
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Poofness Update - March 3, 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Electricity in the Air
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 16:35:53 -0500

Elvis Presley Lyrics

" Fountain Of Love " One thought of you, my heart begins churning I feel return to a fountain of love My lips and eyes, they ache to be near you To hold you here in my fountain of love Never be blue should your world start sinking Just come and drink from my fountain of love We'll build a new world off on a high mountain We'll live on our fountain of love

Greetings and Salutations;

As quiet as it's gotten, the excitement in the air is quite palpable. Rv is in the high octave range now...something is afoot. Funny how the new treasury guy went thru the senate so fast, he does know what he's doing and has experience. He knows all about the rvs going on in the world, as well as, prosperity programs, global settlements, and the necessary deep changes to happen in the us. He's all for it. In the years to come, many grand children will hear about this unbelievable shift planet wide. We're all going at once. Some kicking and screaming. Sometimes man's free will is confronted with an issue, it can do nothing but flow with it. For some this is like a dose of castor oil...unpleasant but, good for you. lololol

In the weeks ahead, one event after another, will have folks wondering what's going on in this world. I'm told the work on the projects to rehabilitate this world will begin this month. Despite the media, war is not on the table, people will need to find another way to solve their differences, behave like adults. "Can't we all just get along?" It'll be a little difficult to grasp at first for folks that have the 'grab cannon' first mentality. Peace is a practiced skill. Learn to take a breath before acting.

The lid(secrets) will be lifted off a whole lot of things, some you won't like much. The facts must be known, it is the only way to go into the future and not repeat the past. That was one of the reasons the dragons insisted on these famous announcements being made. I'm putting an interview in here, listen to it or don' could shake you up and produce more questions. We must leave our fantasies behind, the truth is much greater once appreciated. Here goes;

Consultations until the door bell.

On ward and upward,

Love and Kisses;
