
Friday, March 1, 2013

Mahala Gayle: Planet Alert March 2013

Welcome to the new Earth. We just went through a magnetic pole shift in a very subtle way. Were you aware of what was going on? I began to wonder when there were so many earthquakes in the first part of February. Starting on February 1 there was a 6.8 quake in Chile and then on February 6 there was an 8 point quake in the Santa Cruz Islands in the South Pacific. The Earth kept quaking and by February 20 there had been 21 quakes that were between 6+ and 7 magnitude. That is a lot of shaking.

On February 10, 2013 I woke up so dizzy I could hardly walk. I wondered to myself what was going on and I received the information that the Earth was shifting. I think this is when the Earth started moving into the magnetic shift. The New Year of the water snake started on February 10th. The snake represents our Kundalini energy. Maybe the Earth’s Kudalini started to rise at that time and will continue to rise as Mother Earth ascends.

On February 14th the magnetic South Pole pushed down the North Pole and opened a hole in our magnetosphere. The North Pole represents male energy and the South Pole represents female energy. The fact that this happened means that female energy now wants to be dominant, which is of course the love energy within us.

On that same day (February 14) Russia had a 6.6 quake in Siberia. The Russian scientists say there is a magnetic anomaly on the New Siberian Islands that has been drawing the north magnetic pole to that area. According to the scientists the North Pole is now at 147 East longitudes, which is the New Siberian Islands. This is a long way from where the North Pole used to be in the Hudson Bay area on the east coast of North America.

The magnetic north pole started moving in 1994 and has been moving very fast in the last couple of years. On December 21, 2010 the whole Earth shook for three days and they had to change the measurement of the Florida airport runway. I believe the pole has now completed its journey, which means we have had a magnetic pole shift. This had to happen before we could move into the new energy. Nothing will be the same anymore.

Then we had the meteor event in northern Russia on February 15th. I believe they had divine intervention because something caused the meteor to explode. This caused a pressure wave that blew out all kinds of windows and hurt many people because of the flying glass. This event could have been much worse if the meteor had actually hit the ground without exploding.

I had been expecting a meteor event for a long time because it says in the end of the 18th chapter of Revelation that a stone from heaven would fall to Earth and land in the water. Part of it did land in a lake. The 17th and 18th chapter of Revelation was all about the woman (New York) being attacked and then the war in Babylon (Iraq) which is finally over. Now we should see a white horse (ship) in heaven, along with many small white ships. I can hardly wait for that event to occur. The white ship is actually a crystal ship.

In the meantime it is time for us to realize that we are in a different place in space. We’re in a place of very high frequency energy. This is a place that will finally bring abundance to the world. No more lack unless that is what you choose to experience. We had to finish the lessons we chose to learn in this life-time so we would be ready for the new energy. Now we need to acknowledge the fact that the new energy is here.

The next unfolding event is the resignation of the Pope. This is a major event. The Vatican Bank has been the top controlling force in our world. The Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas is the most powerful man in the world. He is in charge of the Vatican Bank and the Jesuits. The dealings of all other banks can be traced back to the Vatican Bank. This bank has been under investigation for at least a year or maybe longer. Now is the time everything will be uncovered and before long control will be gone.
Don’t you think it was interesting that lightning hit the top of the Vatican right after the Pope said he would resign? The first thing I thought about was the 16th Tarot Card which is the tower struck with lightning. Here is what my Tarot book says about that card “Often man feels his desire to change his ways but lacks the strength of will to achieve his spiritual goals. He may wish to break down his materialistic pursuits, but is prevented from doing so by fear. To find peace and contentment it is necessary to experience loss and tragedy before he can find spiritual comfort and strength.” The tower has been struck.

There is a prophecy that the next Pope will walk over the ruins of Rome. I am waiting to see who becomes their new leader. To fulfill prophecy it would have to be a leader of the light. Who will be the new leader? The present Pope is the last of the dark. I’m not saying he is bad; he has just been a figure-head who was controlled by people who were behind the scene. Control will not work anymore because the new energy is one of freedom.

I don’t know how long it will take for the energy of control to go down, but I do know that the north node will be in Scorpio until February of 2014. As the node moves through Scorpio it will transform everything from the dark to the light. We also have Saturn in Scorpio for another two years. Scorpio rules the deepest dark places there are and it brings all of this dark stuff out into the open. Then we can manifest the highest energy of Scorpio, which is the high flying eagle. Scorpio also rules sex and sexual abuse. It’s all coming to light.

At the same time we are in the new energy, and those that tune into this energy will not even be aware of the lower vibrating energy. Uranus is in Aries, and at the Spring Equinox we can start vibrating to that planet which brings changes and surprising events. The sun will be conjunct Uranus at the time of the full moon which is March 27th. Palm Sunday is March 24, and Easter is March 31st. Passover starts on the night of March 26th.

Right after the Sun conjuncts Uranus it will make a 90 degree angle to Pluto. Pluto rules transformation. Isn’t Easter the celebration of the risen Christ or the transformation? Isn’t the Christ energy within all of us? Isn’t it time for us to shine with the light and love of the Christ within? What a wonderful experience that would be. The sun conjunct Uranus will bring us a new beginning. Uranus is the planet of light and electricity. Maybe one of the light events will be the activation of the light within us. And don’t forget that Mercury will be retrograde until March 17th.

The sun is now in the water sign Pisces so of course there will be more water events like rain, snow, wind storms, flooding and maybe tidal wave action. The sun will be in that sign until March 20 when we experience the Spring Equinox. This is when we start experiencing the fire sign Aries which always brings us new beginnings. This is also when the flowers start to bloom (at least here in the Pacific Northwest) and the trees sprout new leaves. I love spring. It makes me feel like everything is new and beautiful.

May you be blessed with lots of abundance, and a life full of joy and happiness. So Be It!

***** Mahala Gayle *****

I can be reached at or by snail mail at Mahala Flenniken 5028 S. 179th pl SeaTac, WA 98188. I would love to hear from you. Donations are also greatly appreciated. Go to and look for Lots of love to all of you. Mahala