Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Expose the Fluoride Deception and A Deputy Sheriff May Show You The Door

Our friend Cory over at the Golden Rule website is continuing his mission to expose the forced poisoning of America's water supply and expose the fluoride deception. Please support his efforts by sharing his story and visiting his website link below.  The article can be found at his community website called Durham Against Fluoride.

Thank you

~ enerchi



To understand in a comprehensive manner what transpired in the video above one has to first fully understand the background and context of my effort as an individual to end the practice of fluoridating our public water supplies in Durham, North Carolina.

If you have been following this blog you may already be aware of my journeys as a turd through the bowels of Durham’s city government so if you want to skip to the culminating event, Click Here.
In order to put the culminating event in the proper context what follows is a chronologically succinct account of my efforts which all lead up to the rather climactic events from this past Thursday evening