Friday, February 8, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update Currency War Erupts
Plus Protocol Update

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America It can now be reported that the People's Republic of China (PRC) will soon announce the depreciation of their Chinese yuan currency and write off their U.S. dollar-euro currency denominated derivatives.

In other words, China is about to tell the U.S. Federal Reserve and its current pimp, the Central Bank of Japan, to go take a flying leap.

The PRC will then completely back the Chinese yuan based on real collateral aka gold and silver.!/image/656152717.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_aufmacher_klein/656152717.jpg
www.faz. net

Item: Emails released today by French and Belgium banks prove categorically that U.S. gangster bank JPMorgan Chase engaged in criminal fraud in regards to the illegal marketing of mortgage-backed securities between the year 2003 and 2007.

Note: Where were the crooked NFA, the CFTC and the SEC during the period that JPMorgan was engaged in massive criminal fraud?

Answer: They were having lunch with Jamie Dimon and Bernard Madoff.

So, if you are a small retail ma and pa brokerage firm and the NFA or the CFTC or the SEC comes out to audit you assume they are trying to frame you on behalf of their crooked bank masters.

Accordingly, as a small ma and pa brokerage firm that is doing a good job for their clients, just announce to the corrupt regulators that based on the MFGlobal-PFG debacle, that they are in violation of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and make a citizens arrest of this filth and then call the police and have them incarcerated.

Reference: These toxic assets, which are still on the books of worldwide banks, helped wreck the world economy.

P.S. U.S. Citibank is now technically broke. Their balance sheet is loaded up with worthless Deutsche Bank euro currency denominated derivatives.

P.P.S. U.S. Treasury Secretary-designated Jack Lew phoned IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde today and told her that upon his confirmation the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols will be implemented immediately that will complete the bi-lateral tax agreement ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court between the U.S. Treasury, the IMF and the Central Bank of Austria.

Reference: Former First Lady Nancy Reagan was in Washington D.C. and made it clear to President Obama that the Protocols must be implemented now.

In closing, a personal message to alleged President Barack Obama:
John Brennan and George W. BushFRAUD

The idea that George W. BushFRAUD 9/11 co-conspirator John Brennan can order the assassination of American citizens on American soil is totally unacceptable and UN-Constitutional.

Another message to Obama: If you proceed with this crap aka allowing Brennan to become CIA Director you will totally enrage a sizeable element of the American population.

Stay turned for future intelligence briefings in which we will present the 'smoking gun' evidence that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is now in possession of, which will have former U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in the closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton indicted for TREASON regarding her complicity in the assassination of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.

Message to Hillary: The daughter of late great President John F. Kennedy, Caroline, still has a score to settle in regards to your complicity aiding in the assassination of her brother, John F. Kennedy Jr.

Note: John F. Kennedy Jr. planned to run against sociopath bitch Hillary for the New York U.S. Senate seat in the year 2000 Democratic primary.

Reference: It is unlikely you will get this news from CNN or MSNBC as they are too busy reporting stories on the need to put homosexual Mormons in the Boy Scouts.