
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rebecca Campbell: "The Revolt of The Pawns" - A Political Science Fiction Screenplay

Hello World!

I want to introduce to you a multi-talented individual who is a creative writer, artist,and activist doing the good fight against the corrupted systems of control.  Her name is Rebecca Campbell and her website is called

Rebecca has authored a riveting screenplay that I am sure you will all enjoy.  The title of the script is called "THE REVOLT OF THE PAWNS: A POWER PLAY IN THREE ACTS".

Plot Summary
A versatile operative of the New World Order is invited to attend the annual meeting of its elite inner core, where she is compelled -- as are we all during this time of unprecedented planetary crisis -- to make a choice. There is an ancient Greek saying that to publicly proclaim the name of a god gives one command over the powers of that god; this is true of demonic powers as well.
Feel free to contact Rebecca by visiting her website or emailing her at rebeccaphb@yahoo(dot)com.

Below is the screenplay for your enjoyment.   Or you can visit the Scribd page link here.

~ enerchi