Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dinar Intel Update

It is on bank screens everywhere, Banks are flush if not heavy in cash,
Codes this weekend, Public on Monday....the end.
Watching the weather channel in Baltimore a very serious friend reported this and called me excited. Scrolling along the bottom it read WALL STREET SAYS THESE THREE CURRENCIES ARE ABOUT TO HAVE MAJOR REVALUATIONS. He will call me back when it scrolls again for the third one he forgot, but the two he saw were Dong and Dinar...Imagine that.When I have codes I will let you know. Our "Honorable One" has them, can't release without
the Green Light to do so..

2-2-2013  Intel Guru OCrush   This is in reference to iraqs accession to the WTO. There are major movements for Iraq to be accepted into the WTO. They already are obsevants but it seems they will become full members. For this to happen they need to be released from chapter vii and have an international traded currency. This will also allow iraq to move into the IMF'S Article xiii. The WTO is moving forward to allow Iraq for accession.  In conclusion we are almost there. They need to have an international currency to be a full pledged WTO Member!


2-2-2013  Newshound Gurus Mike & L.J.  Concerning the HCL and Erbil Agreement, the people were denied their % of profits by Maliki last year. It has come to pass, this year they should receive it.   It's been agreed upon. Moving forward! US troops were sent in to protect demonstrators. We are there to try to keep peace and prevent a civil war from happening when Maliki is ousted. Countries wanting to do business with Iraq are watching closely.

2-2-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru BGG   Article:  "Saadi delivers Kobler a letter to Ban Ki-moon"  This is an incredibly damaging piece (for Maliki). This is one of the leading Muslim clerics reaching out to the UN for assistance with the Iraqi Government....he is really turning up the heat. In fact, we are seeing a serious surge in activism from the whole religious community right now. This may not seem so important – but keep in mind, it was essentially the blessing of the clerics that got Maliki the job in the first place (Sadr, Hakim, Sistani and the Shia religious leadership in Iran). Not good at all for Maliki. There are some very damaging accusations in this letter…and as I’ve said all along – Ban-Ki Moon is no fan of Maliki’s.

2-2-2013  Intel Guru TerryK    CANADA DOLLAR  CHINESES WAN AND THE INDIAN RUBI ARE TO RV AS ANNOUNCED IN THE NEWSPAPER.  IT DID MENTION 3 MAJOR CURRENCIES.  [which newspaper...TK? WALL STREET. [Where is ours?]  IT’S COMING.  [What were the major currencies?]  IQD, DONG WERE TWO.

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Bluwolf   Let me make it sure that this blessing is in the air and it shall be received shortly without further restraints from no one. Just last night ...all of a sudden threw [through?] a national U.S. Weather tv station, a scroll was seen on the bottom of the screen informing to the reality that there will be a big revaluing of currencies and yes the Iraq and the Vietnam currency was spelled out...let it be known that all the above did occur.

2-2-2013  Newshound Guru Kaperoni   January was a record month for Iraq. Two banking conferences, EU ratification, investment deals, banking connectivity, UN meeting...When u put all that on what is coming in Feb-April, dfi money, WTO training, UN chapt 7...Iraq is about to take off...They will have no choice but to raise the value of the dinar and make it convertible/tradable.

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Footforward   The Asiacell info is irrelevant to the RV.  It does not signify the timing of the RV.  There are pieces to the puzzle that prove the RV WILL  happen and there are pieces to the puzzle that prove WHEN  the RV should happen and the two are not necessarily connected.  Not everything is an indication of the timing.  Be hopeful, be optimistic.  There is a time here soon where we will be in post RV mode.  [post 3 of 3]

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Footforward   There hasn't been any secret RV.  Once it RV's you will know right away.  The HCL has been agreed to on paper, it just hasn't been activated.  People forget that Iraq is under Chapter 7 sanctions and you do not call the shots when you are under these sanctions.  They haven't opened their budgets for several years because the budgets that they do are based on revalued dinar.  Everything is on hold until they actually have an RV, after that the money will start flowing.  [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Footforward   Banks at the higher level are looking for this.  The RV should happen in February, you can piece things together, things that are moving forward.  The purchase of Boeing jets is not the sign of a broke country.  The Standby Agreement has not been renewed, it expires February 23rd.   If you don't have an RV and don't renew the Standby Agreement, then Iraq will be in a whole lot of trouble because they will not be getting any of their money back. So, the RV should happen between now and the 23rd.  Of course things happen, but it should.  [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

2-2-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing   rumors and news are excellent...dealers are expecting it anytime now of them said it already rved, but they are just waiting for the international release of the new rate...again rumors rumors...imo we r close but i don't have any evidence about an internal rv...some sources are saying tomorrow night is our night. again those r just rumors.  they insisted the rate will be between 5 and 12 for the iqd and .27 to .57 in vnd.  there is no holdups.  it will be worldwide at the same time...rumors [are] from trustable sources...expecting anytime now.

2-2-2013  Newshound Guru SWFloridaGuy   So, right now they are receiving training laying out all their economic and trade policies that relate to WTO agreements and then the next step will be to submit a memorandum to the panel for consideration.  The fact that they are even being considered right now tells me that they have already decided the direction that they are going take with their currency reform project. I'd say they're in good shape moving forward. In my opinion Iraq is headed in the right direction and so is their currency.  [post 2 of 2]

2-2-2013  Newshound Guru SWFloridaGuy   We have another encouraging report from the WTO. Senior Iraqi officials have received intensive training on the multilateral trading system and to joining the WTO. This is very specific and necessary training that is directly related to the procedural steps regarding accession.  Iraq applying for WTO accession is a great sign for investors because a convertible currency is necessary for Iraq to join the WTO...We believe this is an obligatory stipulation for accession where they are concerned. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned] 

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Frank26    Now keeping all this in mind IF We see a 2013 budget with an INTERNATIONAL rate soon Then IMO, Iraq will be presented the frayed remaining parts of the UN's Ch7 and walk right into article 8 of the IMF and stupendous for us invested in the IQD! Timing is required in keeping a good rhythm. I like this timing, LOL.  IMO, It's about time!   [post 2 of 2]

2-2-2013  Intel Guru Frank26   IMO, Iraq will NEVER see the keys to their shackles until they add INTERNATIONAL value to the IQD. This is the way I see it. With the EU unfreezing Iraq's assets Iraq has NOW been given CONTROL of their currency. If Iraq truly wants to do INTERNATIONAL trade with The World once again then the EU has just opened the door wide for them to do so. BUT, First add respect to the IQD.  [post1of 2....stay tuned]

2-2-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing    By the way is worth to mention that USA and the United Kingdom are supporting the release of Iraq from ch 7,  because in the past these were the powers that wanted to keep Iraq in ch 7. So imo this is very relevant and indicates to me that this time Iraq holds all the cards to get their release from such chapter. In addition to that there were others articles that let us know the imminent status of the rv like this one:  "CBI authorization to reduce the dollar exchange rate to enhance the value of the dinar. I feel very confident about our investment and the imminent status of the rv.  So be happy and hope for the best because there is nothing negative.  [post 2 of 2]

2-2-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing  there is a joint effort to get the pending matters done. At this point may be they are done or are in the final stage of them. All articles are supporting  an imminent rv as well as the release of ch 7.  Based on the...articles I think that may be the UN and the big players are looking  for a total release from ch 7 instead of a transfer from ch 7 to ch 6 and may be that is the reason why they are facing some opposition from Kuwait.  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]