
Monday, February 18, 2013

Dick Cheney Exposed - 9/11 Truth - Stand Down Orders

I was watching Homeland, a Showtime TV series, and was impressed by the speech given by the character Sergeant Nicholas Brody.  It was if the writers of this TV show were indirectly talking about the corruption in Washington DC and the atrocities committed by the Bush Cabal.

I got out my computer and decided to have some fun exposing Dick Cheney for what he really is.  

This video is dedicated to 911 Truth Movement and the people murdered on September 11, 2001.

Vice President Dick Cheney Exposed - Evidence of Murdering American Citizens.  Here is the list of people killed/murdered at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

US Navy:
Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, MD
Christopher Lee Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C.
Daniel Martin Caballero, 21, Houston, TX
Lt. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, N.C.
Captain Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, MA
Johnnie Doctor Jr., 32, Jacksonville, FL
Commander Robert Edward Dolan, 43, Florham Park, NJ
Commander William Howard Donovan Jr., 37, Nunda, NY
Commander Patrick Dunn, 39, Fords, NJ
Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick, KY
Lt. Commander Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, NY
Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, VA

Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark, DE
Captain Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, NE
Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Shawnee, KS
Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, LA
Nehamon Lyons IV, 30, Mobile, AL
Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry, OK
Lt. Commander Patrick Jude Murphy, 38,  IL
Michael Allen Noeth, 30, Jackson Heights, NY
Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, PA
Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, MD
Joseph John Pycior Jr., 39, Carlstadt, NJ
Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, AL
Commander Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Gray, ME
Commander Dan Frederic Shanower, 40,  IL
Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44, Overland Park, KS
Lt. Commander Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, CA
Lt. Commander Ronald James Vauk, 37, ID
Lt. Commander David Lucian Williams, 32, OR
Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27, Lake Charles, LA
Donald McArthur Young, 41, Roanoke, VA

US Navy Civilian Employee:
Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, MD
Brady Howell, 26, Arlington, VA
Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, VA
James Lynch, Manassas, VA
Retired Capt. Jack Punches, 51, Clifton, VA
US Navy contractors:
Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, MD
Jerry Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, MD
Khang Nguyen, Fairfax, VA
Marvin Woods, 58, Great Mills, MD

Donna Bowen, Verizon Communications
Allen Boyle, Fredericksburg, VA
Rosa Maria Rosemary Chapa, Springfield, VA
Gerald Fisher, consultant, Booz-Allen Inc.
Sandra N. Foster, Clinton, MD
Herbert Homer, Milford, MA
Robert J. Hymel, Woodbridge, VA
Terrance Lynch, consultant, Booz-Allen Inc.
Shelley A. Marshall, Marbury, MD
Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, Springfield, VA
Scott Powell, BTG Inc.
Charles E. Sabin, Burke, VA
Karl W. Teepe, Centreville, VA
Ernest Willcher,consultant, Booz-Allen Inc.
Edmond Young, BTG Inc.
