
Friday, February 22, 2013

Bix Weir - Friday Road Trip 2/22/2013

Friday Road Trip 2/22/2013
Bix Weir


Have We Bottomed on THIS Silver Rig?

The big question out there in the Silver community is not "Should I sell my silver because I made the wrong investment?" but rather "Have we bottomed at this stage of the latest silver market manipulation?" That is a HUGE step from only a few years ago when people weren't sure that silver was the right investment. The mind set has shifted to understanding and acknowledging the obvious manipulation and just waiting for it to end or trying to time your next purchase such that you hit the very bottom of this rigging event.

That is a very good place to be.

As for the question "Are we at the bottom?" I'd say that if sub $30 silver is not the bottom then it is darn close. Having said that "they" can set the price anywhere they want at any time. But there is another dynamic going on here and that is the DESIRE of the riggers to make the market APPEAR like it is freely traded. In that sense everything is pointing to a bottom somewhere between $25 and $30. Anything below $25 would raise too many questions for market participants as to the validity of the market. Also, for those of you who follow the COT's the next report should SCREAM bottom...then again, I wouldn't trust any report coming out of the Government based on what they are told by the criminals!

As far as the things I watch...I believe we have arrived at the END of a 4 year long manipulation that I identified when I released these articles at the beginning of 2009...

Road to Roota X: US Operation Confidence Con


-- Posted Thursday, 12 March 2009 | Share this article | Source:
by Bix Weir

To restore the underlying false confidence in our economic and monetary systems thus continuing the dominance of the global financial power elite.

Plan of Attack:

1) Start by having the President tell the investing public to buy stocks because they are cheap.
2) Slam the gold and silver markets using the traditional COMEX paper rigging operation to hide the truth about the condition of the US Dollar and the fact that the world is quickly running out of both physical metals.

3) Have CEO's of major banks such as Citigroup and JP Morgan announce that they had a great first two months (excluding losses in mortgage portfolios, credit card portfolios, credit default swaps and other toxic derivatives)

4) Have the Plunge Protection Team flood the markets with stock buy orders to flush the shorts and brings along the perma Bulls like lemmings.

5) Float rumors of ending mark-to-market accounting and re-instating the uptick rule to fry the short traders.

6) Have GM announce that they don't need the extra $2B in March (ooo, so all their problems are cured... for 3 weeks at least!)

7) Have the Muppets on financial TV programs proclaim that the bottom is in and it's safe to go back in the investing water.

8) Introduce a restrictive US mining law that would destroy all hard rock mining operations in the US so the banking cabal can cover their naked mining share shorts..

9) Downgrade GE to AA+ and declare "it's a good thing" giving them a "Stable" outlook and goose their share price so no one thinks there's anything wrong..."No problems here".

10) Do anything and everything you can except NEVER show the true fragile state of the monetary system with over a QUADRILLION DOLLARS in derivatives that have yet to be resolved ( fact they are growing exponentially!)

EXPECTED RESULT: Buy a few more weeks/months before the complete collapse of the global monetary system.


Here's the link to the original posting on Gold Seek which is still there:

The amazing thing about this post is that I hit bottom of the market crash in 2008/2009. It wasn't any kind of miraculous prediction that came to me in the night, it was only listening to what the market riggers were saying. It was an analysis of Larry Summers' Behavioral Analysis Theory..."If you say things are good they will be...but if you rig the markets at the same time people will really believe it!"
By the end of March 2009 it was obvious to me that they were going to run with this con game for much longer than the gold/silver bugs had hoped for and I posted this article on April 3...
Road to Roota XIII: The Geithner Plan = Sustained Market Manipulation


-- Posted Friday, 3 April 2009 | Share this article | Source:
by Bix Weir
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

On March 12, 2009 I wrote an essay entitled "Operation Confidence Con" where I showed the likely game plan of the new US Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, on how he planned to build confidence in our current economic system by manipulating markets and public perception. Although I believe I correctly exposed the plan, I did not anticipate the size, scope and duration of this new market manipulation policy. Operation Confidence Con is not a "one off" plan to revive the corrupt western banking system but a policy of SUSTAINED MARKET MANIPULATION that is trying to cover-up all aspects of Economic Reality. The tools to accomplish this plan include rigging government economic numbers, disguised plans to bail-out banks with taxpayer money, loading the FDIC with debt obligations to insure further bailouts, crashing the gold and silver markets with paper metal, orchestrating a G20 show to show false solidarity, pumping the stock market with PPT money, changing the accounting laws so banks can hide losses, and on….and on….and on…
Recently, Tim Geithner revealed the core of this master plan in an interview with George Stephanopoulos in a "This Week":

"The market will not solve this, and the great risk for us is we do too little, not that we do too much,"
This should send shivers down any free market advocates spine. This statement shows his inclination to subvert the free market for the banking cabal's twisted version of manipulated markets. The beauty of a free market is that it DOES solve theses types of problems but Mr. Geithner and the banking cabal that he works for just DOESN'T LIKE THE ANSWERS.

In a "free market" the companies that make these kinds of giant mistakes go bankrupt and the company no longer exists. Counterparties that aligned their bets with these insolvent companies also suffer the consequences of their poor judgment in that they do not get insurance pay-outs that they counted on to cover their own reckless bets. That is the free market solution.

As for the individuals who commit these types of massive fraud they should be arrested, prosecuted and end up in jail. In a free market they don't get huge bonuses from taxpayer bailouts. The AIG bonuses were a drop in the bucket compared to the bonuses shanghaied by Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, GE, Bank of America, etc. They got HUGE bonuses/compensation for 2008. Those companies should have imploded because of their reckless practices and NO BONUSES WOULD HAVE BEEN PAID!

Another Geithner quote:

"To get through this, governments need to act. Great obligation, responsibility for governments to act to solve these things."

Not true! To get through this the FREE MARKET needs to be allowed to ACT. We are closing in on 2 years of this "Credit Crisis" and there is still no end in sight. Had the free market been allowed to work we would have already suffered through the consequence of our actions and be on the road to recovery.

Today, Tim Geithner and his friends at the Treasury, the FED, the FDIC, the SEC and the CFTC are all colluding to rig EVERY MARKET to suit their Confidence Con. These computer market rigging operations will likely destroy everything the United States stands for. Meanwhile, people are losing their jobs, their retirement savings, their houses and their faith in their country. It is time to stand up and say "NO MORE"!

Read my lips Geithner…


This article is still posted on Gold Seek as well...

The funny thing about these two articles is that it was the ONLY time I was bearish on the prospects of gold and silver. I didn't want to be. Not at all. But I was watching what the manipulators were saying, what happened in the election and understanding the fact the We The People were not ready for the transition yet.

Now I believe we are ready for the crash. There is already anger in the streets towards all the things going wrong in our country but there is also an understanding of how evil the banking cabal is. There will be NO MORE BAILOUTS! We are fully awake to the Bankster atrocities! We are ready for the transition and I believe the latest slam is their "LAST LICKS".

I don't know if it will take days or weeks to manifest the end of the down draft but it won't be years.

It's time for you to EARN your good fortune when it comes to silver...sit tight and be right.

Stay strong.


CFTC Approaches Deadline for Silver Manipulation Charges
I did some research into the Statute of Limitations for the CFTC's 4 year+ Silver Manipulation Investigation and I think I have come up with a "hard date" where they either have to file charges or they no longer can pursue JP Morgan. Although I haven't tracked down the exact securities law it seems that 5 years could be argued as the limit for investigating this type of crime. The question comes in when trying to set the start date. Is it the time the crime was committed or the time the investigation started or the time that it was announced. Luckily, there was an SEC case ruling that the clock starts when the investigation begins...maybe.

Seventh Circuit Issues an Important Opinion Regarding the Statute of Limitations for SEC Civil Fines

"The Court in Jones, however, held that the SEC's action for civil penalties was time-barred under Section 2462. The Court held that to toll the statute of limitations for fraudulent concealment, the SEC must prove: "(1) that Defendants concealed the existence of the cause of action; (2) that it did not discover the alleged wrongdoing until some point within five years of commencing this action; and (3) that its continuing ignorance was not attributable to lack of diligence on its part." To demonstrate concealment, the SEC must show "either that Defendants took affirmative steps to prevent discovery of the fraud or that the wrong itself was of such a nature as to be self-concealing." Id. at 382 (quoting New York v. Hendrickson Bros., Inc., 840 F.2d 1065, 1083 (2d Cir. 1988)). The Court rejected the premise that allegations of fraud suffice to demonstrate that conduct was self-concealing in the absence of "some misleading, deceptive, or otherwise contrived action or scheme." Id. (quoting Hobson v. Wilson, 737 F.2d 1, 34 (D.C. Cir. 1984)). Rather, the Jones court effectively put the burden of proof on the SEC to demonstrate concealment. Because "the Commission has not met its burden to demonstrate that Defendants' alleged deception was unknowable and hence self-concealing," the court granted summary judgment to the defendants."

"Jones regarded the SEC's ability to access information related to the misconduct to be sufficient to meet the standard of discoverability and start the five-year ticking clock of Section 2462. The Koenig decision did not reach this issue."


In any case there seems to be a 5 year standard for bringing the charges against the offender and JPM will surely argue to have the case thrown out due to the delay if and when it finally comes to trial. YES - I do believe it will come to trial. I think that Elizabeth Warren's latest public attacks against the regulators was 100% a set up to clear the way for the CFTC to bring JPM to trial.

So if the CFTC is going to press charges against JPM and it has to be within the 5 year time frame since the they were able to access information that gives us a drop dead date. I believe that the CFTC is well aware of this and put out a press release to memorialize the date that they believe the 'clock started". Here is the statement:

November 4, 2011 CFTC Statement Regarding Enforcement Investigation of the Silver Markets Washington, DC -- The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued the following statement:

"In September of 2008, the Commission announced the existence of an enforcement investigation into the possibility of unlawful acts in silver markets. Since that time, the staff has analyzed over 100,000 documents and interviewed dozens of witnesses and obtained expert advice. It has been a long, detailed, and thorough investigation, and it continues in an appropriate and considered manner."
So it appears to me that a drop dead date would be September 2013 or anytime sooner. Anything after JPM may have an argument to drop the case due to the above court ruling.

YES! I do still believe that the CFTC will do the right thing in the end. There has been too much exposure and too much effort in this investigation.
It has to produce results.

Black is White, Wrong is Right, Day is Night
It's hard to turn around these days without something looking extremely odd. From the rising stock market to the crashing metal prices to rising US Dollar and on and on. Everything seems backwards...and it is. Here's a great example...the retail market is being GUTTED and yet the MSM seems to say everything is rosy!

Retail Apocalypse: Why Are Major Retail Chains All Over America Collapsing?

"If the economy is improving, then why are many of the largest retail chains in America closing hundreds of stores? When I was growing up, Sears, J.C. Penney, Best Buy and RadioShack were all considered to be unstoppable retail powerhouses. But now it is being projected that all of them will close hundreds of stores before the end of 2013. Even Wal-Mart is running into problems. A recent internal Wal-Mart memo that was leaked to Bloomberg described February sales as a "total disaster". So why is this happening? Why are major retail chains all over America collapsing? Is the "retail apocalypse" upon us? Well, the truth is that this is just another sign that the U.S. economy is falling apart right in front of our eyes. Incomes are declining, taxes are going up, government dependence is at an all-time high, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the percentage of the U.S. labor force that is employed has been steadily falling since 2006. The top 10% of all income earners in the U.S. are still doing very well, but most U.S. consumers are either flat broke or are drowning in debt. The large disposable incomes that the big retail chains have depended upon in the past simply are not there anymore. So retail chains all over the United States are now closing up unprofitable stores. This is especially true in low income areas."


The understanding behind all the LIES can be traced back to Larry Summers and Austan Goolsbee...the KINGS of "Behavioral Finance". Behavioral Finance is just a lie upon a lie. The notion that if you tell everyone that things are great they will behave in a manner which will make things great is a con. It can only survive for a while as the TRUTH will always come bubbling up. These con artists are now gone from the current Administration and I wrote about that occasion last year:

Behavioral Finance Is Alive n 'Fr**kin' Well

The reality is that a Great Country cannot be built on a foundation of lies. The truth will always come through in the end.

That is what we are approaching.


ESF and Fed New York Control

I often get asked WHO the Bad Guys are who are rigging the market. Specifically, who are they. I believe there are many. And at different levels. There are run of the mill stock market riggers who are out for their own profit. There are bankster riggers who rig for the government while skimming off a bit for themselves. There are hedge funds that have no morals who will cheat at every turn for a buck. And then the is the official, sanctioned manipulators.

THAT WOULD BE THOSE WHO RUN THE EXCHANGE STABILIZATION FUND. The following presentation is the best you can find on the subject. The is the official rigging operation controlled out of the Fed New York (think Geithner) and in the basement of the US Treasury (think Geithner again!)

Once you understand this operation you will see just how powerful the riggers are:

So that is what we are up against when it comes to freeing ourselves from the Bad Guys. A very tall order but one that has a very simple solution...


It is the Achilles heel of the Bad Guys and it is an open secret.

Remove the silver (and hence gold) market riggers and fiat money will be destroyed thus destroying the monetary power of the Bad Guys.

Do your more physical silver today!

If You Think Things Are Strange Now...JUST WAIT!

Yes, I deal in strange things all the time on the Road to Roota. From metal manipulation to chem trails to aliens to future predictions and potential scenarios. From an expanding earth to spiral planetary movements BEHIND the sun...not around it. It's all part of the full understanding of what "they" are hiding from us. To stop investigating market manipulation when it gets "too weird" would be dishonest and truthfully I would miss all the juicy stuff. Do not close out ANYTHING these days. Be skeptical but have an open mind...very open.

As Bob Dylan sang...

"The times they are a changing!"

How often do humans come across something like this?! (check out the delayed BOOM!)
And here we go down the "weird" path...

There are many things that are being revealed these days. There is even talk of opening the Vatican archives to THE PEOPLE so we can learn about our TRUE HISTORY.
That's gonna be a hoot.

That's it for me. This week. Silver has once again come into the mainstream with all the manipulation so I expect the next few weeks to be very, very busy as we shake off the Bad Guys and continue our "March forward"...hint, hint :-)

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

