Can OPPT Save Bill Brockbrader?
Hi Friends,

Just in case you overlooked this email I sent 2 days ago below.
This could be a perfect test case for OPPT if someone can please contact either myself or Eva. Eva says she has tried to get in contact with both Lisa and OPPT trustees, but has been unsuccessful last I heard. I was able to put Eva in contact with a friend of a friend to help with the UCC paperwork execution, but have not heard any updates on that as yet.
Huge thanks to Steve Beckow for putting this story up after being away and even adding information for a better context. Thanks so much for your support.
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 10:32 PM, scott ThankYouWhiteKnights
Hi friends,
I just did this interview with Eva on what is going on with her and Bill of late. You may have seen the blog by AK recently explaining some of this. Eva asked me to get the word out, so she can get some urgent and much needed assistance to help Bill and herself. Bill has a sentencing on the 25th this month ie that is in 7 days and Eva needs help to execute paperwork safely ASAP before that day comes in an effort to free Bill. Eva is open to any suggestions and energy and prayers to free Bill.
I have the FULL VERSION here
Please see in the description the links for donations and emails or below
Donations to Eva Moore direct
Bill Brockbrader's Facebook Group
Thanks so much for your support
Kind Regards
Scott Molloy