Paul Joseph Watson
January 9, 2013

The debate would take place either on Jones’ nationally
syndicated radio show, on Morgan’s CNN slot, or at a neutral venue and
would follow classic debate-style rules with an equal amount of time for
each speaker.
Jones responded to a segment on Piers Morgan Tonight last night where Morgan and his guests made jokes about shooting Jones with a semi-automatic rifle by assuring the CNN host that no weapons would be present at the moderated debate.
“Please don’t shoot me during the debate,” said Jones.
Jones emphasized that the second installment of the
showdown would be a real debate format, where Morgan could ask his
questions and Jones could do likewise.
Media focus following the initial face-off on CNN has
predictably been centered around Jones’ aggressive rant on the second
amendment, with virtually zero attention paid to the facts brought up by
both Jones and Morgan.
As Fox News 19′s Ben Swann highlights in the video
below, Morgan got his facts wrong on more than one count, and his
argument that England, where firearms are almost completely banned, is
somehow a good example to follow, is completely erroneous given that it
has one of the highest violent crime rates in Europe.
It’s these kind of misconceptions about gun control that
could be properly explored in a controlled debate setting. Morgan did
indicate during his show last night that he would be happy to have Alex
Jones back, but whether the CNN host accepts the challenge of a debate
remains to be seen. News, Weather
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.