This radio show took place on January 5th, 2013 on the 'Talk With Vince' radio show. His guest is Tanaath of the Silver Legion. Tanaath works with the Andromeda Council made famous from Alex Collier and Tolec. Tanaath gives humanity an update on the current situations taking place in other dimensional planes of existance and the liberation of humanity from the reptilian extraterrestrial influence. This is some Star Wars drama type stuff. Pass the popcorn, please!
Hour #1
http://audio.vegasallnetradio.com/TWV/TWV2013-01-05-H1.mp3Hour #2
http://audio.vegasallnetradio.com/TWV/TWV2013-01-05-H2.mp3Tanaath of the Silver Legion
Website - http://www.silverlegion.org
Talk With Vince - Radio Show
Website - http://vegasallnetradio.com/Shows/TalkWithVince.html