Feel like you wish there was a place to keep track of all the OPPT articles, videos, and discussions?
AWE viewer has shared this link with us and those who want to keep an eye on all the developments for OPPT may want to bookmark http://oppttheunfoldingstory.wordpress.com/.
Here is a snippet from their home page.
The One People’s Public Trust 1776
On the 25th of December 2012 the OPPT –
the One People’s Public Trust 1776 – became public. Since then, amongst
certain communities on the Internet, this news went viral across the
The Announcement was not actually for Us
the Public of the World. It was a legal Notice, an Official
Announcement to the powers-that-were, that the eons-old regimes-system
is over, totally wiped, a clean slate, ready and waiting for the
diversity-of-Us to wake-up to it, spread the news, real-ise it, stand upon
it, apply it and thoroughly establish the Foreclosure, to pursue
comprehensive Justice, to thoroughly cleanse – without which there is no
healing or restoration – and release Us to create in ever-expanding
Freedom and Prosperity, a whole new future, a new way of living … being.
This site will try and list the unfolding
living-story as it is released from various websites and online
programs. Forgive me if I miss something. It is not a commentary or a
social-site adding to the turmoil of white-noise, but just offered for
clarity, and to assist the distribution of this important information in
a nutshell, simply, and for sharing far and wide as quickly as
It has been a very short time since the
release, and patience, commitment, self-discipline, self-education and
continual updating is required. While many are working hard to
understand the material and its application, we are promised very soon
that we will be assisted to make sense of it and will
know its exact application for the Planet, and therefore what We must do
… by Us. Meanwhile, hanging loose, not wrestling with it, but instead
playing, dreaming and loving the possibilities is a really good work to involve ourselves in right now.
This living-story and the power of its growing understanding, can be followed by going to the:
- Recommended Interviews - highly recommended, especially to get a quick feel for it all.
- The OPPT Story So Far posts for the most recent 10 issues, and the:
- All ‘OPPT Story So Far’ Issues section, with which one needs to begin at the beginning and build one’s foundation incrementally from there as it all unfolds.
If it helps, by subscribing or following,
you can receive updates as this unfolds, as best I can find
developments that is, because like most of Us, I am just doing the best I
can to tune in.
This is epic …
It is indeed a totally new beginning … as we walk this Way …