Bix Weir Friday Roadtrip
Friday Road Trip 1/11/2013
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The long held view on the Road to Roota is that Alan Greenspan and Stephen Devaux wrote the original computer programs in the 1960's and 1970's to rig the markets in order to prolong the transition to a true Gold Standard. Somewhere along the line, probably in the early 1980's, the major banks took over that rigging system and it has been controlled by the Banksters ever since.
So it makes since that the original rigging apparatus, computers, will be used to TAKE DOWN that system in the end. That's what we are beginning to see now. The curtain is being pulled away. The Bernie Madoff take down was a major disruption to the bad guys as much of their computer rigging was done in the bottom floors of his office. It wasn't what was portrayed in the media...a $50B con by a single man but rather a hundreds of billion dollars mafia like control center rigging markets via computer around the world. Madoff was just the front man.
Now that process of taking down the computer rigging mechanisms continues with the latest revelation...
Bats Says System Errors Caused Pricing Problems Over 4 Years
"Bats Global Markets Inc., the third- largest U.S. stock exchange operator, said its computers allowed trades that violated rules intended to ensure all investors get the best prices for equities over a period of four years."
"Machines that match orders for two Bats equity exchanges and an options venue allowed some trades to occur at prices inferior to the best available bid or offer and enabled others to violate rules for short sales, or bearish bets, the company said in a notice published on its website yesterday."
"Once again, we see there's a problem with electronic systems, this time an exchange system," Larry Harris, a finance and business economics professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and former chief economist at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, said in a phone interview. "Bats will get a lot of scrutiny from the SEC at a time when nobody wants that kind of attention. That said, it's important to recognize that Bats itself identified the problem and brought it to public attention and to the attention of regulators."
Wait a minute...didn't Madoff turn himself in just as the pressure was heating up? Sound very similar to the Madoff situation. Matter of fact, wasn't there a Madoff connection to BATS back in 2008? As usual lets follow the bread crumbs...
SEC to Probe Relationship Between Madoff's Niece and Ex-SEC Lawyer
"The SEC's review of its own oversight (or lack thereof) of Bernie Madoff's securities-trading and investment-management firm will cast a spotlight on two lawyers who apparently began dating in 2006, fell in love and married last year."
"Bernie Madoff's niece, Shana Madoff (the daughter of Bernie's brother, Peter) went to University of Michigan and then to Fordham law school in the early 90's. After law school, she joined her father, Peter -- also a Fordham law grad as well as the senior managing director of the Madoff firm -- and her uncle. Shana became the in-house counsel of the firm her uncle founded. And shortly thereafter, in 1997, Shana, then 26, married Scott Ira Skoller (not a lawyer, far as we know) who at the time was the sales manager at Tyrone, a men's clothing store in Roslyn, N.Y."
But Shana (pictured) and Scott didn't last, it seems. And in 2006, she met Eric Swanson (U. of Minnesota, Hamline law), who worked at the SEC for 10 years, including as a senior inspections and examination official, before leaving in 2006. Among Swanson's duties, reports the WSJ, was supervising the SEC's inspection program in charge of trading oversight at stock exchanges and electronic-trading platforms. (The WSJ cites a press release from Bats Trading Inc., an electronic stock exchange that hired Swanson as general counsel earlier this year.)
SEC Chairman Cox said the commission will investigate "all staff contact and relationships with the Madoff family and firm, and their impact, if any, on decisions by staff regarding the firm." Neither Shana nor Eric is named in the SEC statement as a target of the probe. Yet, David Kotz, the SEC's inspector general who's leading the probe, told the Journal that he intends to examine the relationship between Shana and Eric.
So did Eric Swanson's relationship with Shana Madoff affect the SEC's investigation of the Madoff firm? Who knows? But a spokesman for Swanson told the New York Times that Swanson's "romantic relationship with his wife began years after the compliance team he helped supervise made an inquiry about Bernard Madoff's securities operations." And Randy Williams, a spokesman for Swanson's current employer, BATS Exchange, said that Swanson had not participated in any inquiry into the Madoff firm or its affiliates while he was involved in a relationship with Shana.
Ah it never ends with these criminals. Ultimately, a true investigation will find that ALL MARKET EXCHANGES ARE RIGGED by computers.
Just wait until the hammer comes down on EWT,LLC (now Virtu Financial
Who's the Little Man Behind the Curtain?
Here's an important section from this article I wrote in 2008...
The co-founders of EWT, LLC were the former NYMEX Chairman Vincent Viola and a GOLDMAN SACHS MAN named David Salomon who "reported directly to ROBERT RUBIN". Yes, the King Pin himself! If you know GATA you know that ROBERT RUBIN = BANKING CABAL
Let's look at David Salomon..
"David Salomon co-founded, with former NYMEX Chairman Vincent Viola, EWT LLC and Madison Tyler, two of the most successful algorithmic-based trading companies in the securities industry. He also recently co-founded FATTOC LLC, a trading company and developer of next-generation trading-related applications for major financial institutions. Mr. Salomon began his career in finance in the risk arbitrage department at Goldman Sachs, where he ran the equity strategy group and reported directly to Robert E. Rubin. Mr. Salomon spent 15 years of his career as a trader in the energy markets. He was a founding member of the oil-trading department at J. Aron & Company. He went on to help found the energy derivatives business at both Banker's Trust and American International Group, Inc. (AIG). In 1978, Mr. Salomon received his B.S. degree in politics and psychology from Princeton University graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. In 1982, Mr. Salomon graduated with distinction from the Wharton School."
(QUICK SIDE NOTE: Mr Salomon's company Madison Tyler is where Lawerence Eugene Harris worked while he was on the Regulation SHO Roundtable that was convened to investigate naked short selling on the exchanges…I challenge other GATA folks to dig into those depths!)
Not disturbed enough yet? Here's an interesting new rule from the NYSE that will further disguise our friends over at EWT.
The New Definition Of Program Trading
Beginning September 30, 2007, the NYSE changed the definition of program trading to eliminate the $1 million requirement.
The definition of program trading was also redefined to be more specifically focused on trades that are part of a larger "coordinated" strategy.
"Program trading" means either (A) index arbitrage or (B) any trading strategy involving the related purchase or sale of a "basket" or group of 15 or more stocks, provided, however, that the purchases or sales of stocks are part of a coordinated trading strategy, even if the purchases or sales are neither entered or executed contemporaneously, nor part of a trading strategy involving options or futures contracts on an index stock group, or options on any such futures contracts, or otherwise relating to a stock market index.
What the revised definition means is that many types of algorithmic trading strategies will not be considered "program trading."
How many other "algorithmic-based" trading companies and hedge funds are in on the market manipulation game? My guess is there is quite a network working together with the goal of centralizing the world's wealth into the hands of the few. I believe that after the Enron and other high profile scandals in early 2000 they determined they had to do their dirty work outside the scrutiny that public companies attract and they have gone "underground" into private hedge funds. Remember when Greenspan railed again hedge funds a few years back? Greenspan knows he created a monster in the 1960's with his secret computer-based market rigging programs. Unfortunately, the rigging operations had to be shared with most of the large financial institutions for them to work and that is like giving matches to a pyromaniac and telling them not to light up! The market riggers in the US became so powerful over the years most have truly abandoned the original intent of Mr. Greenspan's plan to add a benevolent "digital invisible hand" to Capitalism. Now Greenspan and friends in "The Group" are finding it hard to slay the monster they have created. This truly is a titanic battle to save what is left of America and the entire world.
Make no bones about it…EWT, and private companies like it, are using their computer systems to take over every actively traded market that utilizes digital systems…they even brag about it!
make no mistake...the Computer Firewalls at the Bad Guys control center ARE ON FIRE!
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In Drake's latest interview he confirms a long held pillar on the Road to Roota...that the US has been hiding huge hidden gold discoveries and will be developing them as the old system crumbles. Here's the articles where I delve into it:
Golden Secrets
A subscriber posed the question of hidden gold mines in the US to Drake this week and here was the exchange about 1/2 way through the entire program:
Question: "Are there huge hidden gold mines in Chocolate Mountain California and in the Grand Canyon that are being kept from the public until we go back to an equity based currency system?"
Drake's Answer: "Yeah but nobody can get to some of them and some of them are booby trapped and I wouldn't go in there. There are other ways to secure the"
Here's the full interview:
Listen to internet radio with Universal Voice Radio on Blog Talk Radio
Questions that arise from this gold hoard are:
1) How much gold is there REALLY in the world?
2) What would a revelation of MILLIONS OF TONS of Gold do to the price?
3) One of that arguments against having a gold coin standard is that there is not enough gold...what happens to that argument now?
4) WHO does all that gold belong to? The original discoverers of the gold? The Indians that were originally settle there?(the Grand Canyon gold is said to be in a sacred Indian site) The people of the US? The people of the world?
5) Is the booby trap situation the "rockslide" talked about on Page 10 in the Fed Boston Comic "Wishes and Rainbows"?
6) Is the Grand Canyon gold found in 1906 the REASON the US allowed the Federal Reserve Bank to exist for so long knowing that one day we could revert back to our constitutional gold coin standard?
I could go on forever as this stuff is still mostly a hidden secret in the gold/silver world. I will continue to dig and if anyone knows more send me an email!
Interview on Media Manipulation of Silver
Here's a link to my latest interview with Kerry Lutz.
Bix Weir -- Another Jobs Report, Another Precious Metals Raid: Kleptocrats Run Wild
I did make one mistake and that was the paper that published the Silver Investigation Misinformation was the Financial Times and not Bloomberg. Here's the article:
Four Year Silver Probe Set to be Dropped
"A four-year investigation into the possible manipulation of the the silver market looks increasingly likely to be dropped after US regulators failed to find enough evidence to support a legal case, according to three people familiar with the situation."
These crooks should...and will one day...go to jail!
That's it for me this week. A lot going on so keep your eyes open. There's a lot of "talk" about the LBMA running dry of physical silver so it should be a very exciting year!
Stay safe.
Thanks to Jim Costa