Friday, January 4, 2013
8′ Taiwan Alien Declared To Be Real By Experts! (Picture & Videos)
An 8′+ tall alien with webbed hands that was spotted in Taiwan in December has been determined to be real! The following videos and pictures show three different media reports out of Taitung, Taiwan. The videos feature the rather strange sighting of an “alien being”. In going by the translation of the original report, the sighting took place near a body of water known as Jiaming Lake. Experts at the Taiwan Unidentified Flying Object Society (TUFOS) measured the ‘alien’ to be approximately 8.2 feet tall. The ‘alien’ had webbed hands, nearly completely transparent skin and his head was quite similiar to the head of a praying mantis. TUFOS experts concluded that the alien being had come from an underground alien base in the vicinity of the lake.