Monday, May 14, 2012

Drake Is Angry at His Military Contacts - May 14th

Drake To Give The Military A Mouth Full on Wednesday Radio Update

Drake Kent

COOL! And the fun beginzzzzzz...

WAKE UP IN HERE... >I have been working closely with those who are making the decisions... There was a fight a few weeks ago, during which it was stated that the arrests would specifically target individuals... That does NOT mean there will not be mass arrests as well.

However, the info I was given to share was from the military. The military said so... This is why I am now questioning their lack of performance...they ain't done what was agreed to. >

So, that leaves one option. How many people like having their heart felt patriotism used like that?

ALL that does for me is make me very angry. I put my whatevers on the line and they think it's funny to just leave me out there twistin in the wind? Wearing the target 'they' asked me to wear?

How sweet...! >So, who has the loudest voice in here? Who has available posting to sound like the squeaky wheel? -Anyone? IF so, I believe it's time to start screaming about this...You? By radio time, I will have some more info... I hope the military likes this... I do believe it be my

Re-posted From Facebook - Freedom Reigns

Drake To Military: "I do not take being put in harms way lightly"

Drake Kent


Lots of BS goin around.

Time to flush it...

>Deatra owns Freedom Reigns. It was going on long before I came on Her shows. It is NOT mine, and was NOT started for the efforts I'm putting forth. I hope that is clear enough.

>On the recent show, Terri explained that there are SEPARATE 'projects'. -One is the 'States Project', which has been completed. -Second 'project' is Localization...this still needs a lot of work too... >The people who contacted me are NOT the same ones who contacted Terri. Izzat CLEAR?

>ALL the info I have been releasing was Given to me. It is not mine, not my imagination, and I have no wishes for stardom, fame, etc. IF that happens, it happens, and is NOT intentional.

>>>HEADS UP ON THIS OFFICIAL RELEASE FROM "Drake"...<<< There have been developments that might 'alter' the execution of the general plan. This all depends on what those in position to make the decisions decide... -IT AIN"T UP TO ME-

At this point I am NOT a 'controller' at any level, Remember That. The info indicates one of two things, or a combination. I heard a few weeks ago that the 'take down' would be on a one by one basis. Specific arrests, etc. A few days after that I'm told that these would be key individuals behind the scenes...? Where does that leave all of us? I got no answer to that question... IF the mass arrests are still in the plan is questionable at this point. Reason being that arrests and law suits are underway that might take care of that idea altogether. The 'case' against the federal reserve needs another set of legalities before those things happen...I understand that this is in progress. >

In order to avoid confusion, AND offer real time honest facts, I will offer no more specifics as far as general time periods or dates, etc. "Soon" is all there is... >>>I was hoping that our military would abide by the original agreement.<<< -Terri and others were told that when the majority of states completed the paperwork, the military would take the actions I have talked about on the radio. Civilian authority was given through that paperwork. -To date, and for whatever reason, our military have NOT performed as agreed.

I do not take being put in harms way lightly. I offer that many believe that We The People could count on our military...? I strongly suggest that 'The Military' keep its promises, the sooner the better. >>>I am NOT and never have been involved at any level with RAP/RUSA. Rumor has it that I am to be their new president...? -Here is the ONLY way I will accept the people involved in that group. Resign as a member, or get ready to be picked up by enforcement. The manner of action and its intent and purpose are apposed to FREEDOM, no matter what you have been told. IF you wish to maintain a 'representative' organization I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with, is the 'illegal usurpation of public offices' that no one has ELECTED you to. Same with the FBI. On a localization basis, getting the word out to people, that is fine. BUT ALL of you will have to conform to the constitution and its provisions IF you wish to associate with our efforts. >>The idea behind this post is to clear the air...somebody has been passing gas all over the internet...yes, that stinky. >

I am an admin in order that I can post as I am here. I do not have the time to do anything more than this type of posting...please ask another admin to register you. Thank you.

 Re-posted From Facebook - Freedom Reigns

John MacHaffie: Deep Intel Down The Rabbit Hole Addenum 5-14-12

I have just confirmed the following from 3 intel contacts ---- treasury, homeland security & programs.

Poppa Bush Sr tried again to steal funds from the Chinese (programs funds). The funds were recovered by the Promis software program. This happened over the weekend.

This private citizen and family is too much. A disgrace to America. Guess once a crook, always a crook!

He suppose to be under house arrest, but needs to booted off planet.

Galactics ---- are you aware of this --- action please!

This just came in a few minutes ago from 2 credible sources, 1 with the treasury and 1 with homeland security.
The Provost Marshal watching Bush Sr. is ‘afraid’ to stop him according to my sources.Chinese ARE FURIOUS to put it mildly. Obama has lied to them again! 

Also informed that the England Trustee flying from London to Hong Kong for the Global Settlements still has not left. He is also ‘afraid’ because of threats from the Bush Cabal.


Question Is Now —- Where is the Galactics when you need them?

Wild Elephants Gather to Mourn Death of “Elephant Whisperer”

Wild Elephants Gather to Mourn Death of “Elephant Whisperer”

Posted by:

Wild Elephants Gather to Mourn Death of “Elephant Whisperer”

For 12 hours, two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush until they reached the house of late author Lawrence Anthony, the conservationist who saved their lives.

The formerly violent, rogue elephants, destined to be shot a few years ago as pests, were rescued and rehabilitated by Anthony, who had grown up in the bush and was known as the “Elephant Whisperer.”
For two days the herds loitered at Anthony’s rural compound on the vast Thula Thula game reserve in the South African KwaZulu – to say good-bye to the man they loved. But how did they know he had died March 7?

Benjamin Fulford: Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes, Nato terrorist state group being cut off

Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes, Nato terrorist state group being cut off

The top US criminal corporate government representative in Japan, Edward Nye, will no longer be welcome in Asia following the release of new information about his links to the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan. He is believed to be the author of a February, 2000 CIA report on the Japanese energy sector that stated the following: “In order to prevent Japanese national power from becoming any stronger and to prevent a resurgence of anti-American feeling in Japan it is necessary to put hand-cuffs on Japan’s energy sector over the long term. Nuclear energy now accounts for 30% of Japan’s power production. The most effective counter measure would be to neutralize the main concentration of Japanese nuclear know-how, the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation. TEPCO has Japan’s largest market capitalization and it is a leader of Japan’s corporate and financial world. It is also very trusted by the Japanese people. To prevent Japan from becoming a nuclear power, it is necessary to destroy trust in TEPCO and drastically set back Japan’s progress in nuclear power.” This CIA report was quoted in the November 2002 issue of Zaikai Tenbo, a leading Japanese business magazine.

Many of the top Japanese and Korean agents working for the US corporate government in Japan have already been or are about to be purged and now all “Japan handlers,” working for the criminal corporate US mafia government are being advised to get out of Japan and never come back.
There was also a meeting last week between representatives of the committee of 300, the White Dragon Society and an Asian secret society last week to discuss the new financial system.

John Kettler: Regarding Drake Plan : Contacts say NO but E.T.s say YES


First, an apology is due for the long silence since my last update. Our lackadaisical webmaster is entirely to be blamed, and the flogging will begin shortly. Now on to developments...

The "Drake" thing has become an ever bigger deal, in terms of the time it takes to address it and the headaches it's giving me and my contacts. "Drake" has even replied to me here and mentioned me in his interviews. So far, despite pinging some very senior people, NO evidence has been found to support the scenario he describes, of a military ready to intervene domestically on the side of freedom, at the lawful request of marshals and sheriffs. The good news, though, is that at least 90% of the U.S. military would refuse to obey unlawful (unconstitutional) orders to act AGAINST the American people. The word I'm getting is the U.S. military has way too much on its plate already and DOES NOT want to get drawn into something domestic. How to reconcile this with what the ETs/EDS are telling me; that this "Drake" thing is real, I know not!

Murdoch Driver: I Told Jeremy Hunt About Cash Drops to Met Police at Hyde Park Tennis Courts

Murdoch Driver: I Told Jeremy Hunt About Cash Drops to Met Police at Hyde Park Tennis Courts

'The controversy over Jeremy Hunt’s dealings with Rupert Murdoch’s empire took a bizarre twist last night after it emerged he held a meeting with one of the mogul’s former drivers to discuss his alleged role in illegal payments to police.

Paul Maley, who worked as a News International chauffeur for four years until 2009, is preparing extraordinary evidence for the Leveson Inquiry in which he is expected to reveal a 40-minute encounter with the Culture Secretary.

Mr Maley told Mr Hunt during the meeting last September that he handed more than a dozen packages containing cash to police officers while working for the company.'

Read more: Murdoch Driver: I Told Jeremy Hunt About Cash Drops to Met Police at Hyde Park Tennis Courts

SaLuSa 14-May-2012

SaLuSa  14-May-2012

There is evidence of the inevitable collapse of the dark cabal, and you need to be on your guard. They will try every possible ruse and disinformation to make a last attempt to create doubt and fear. Be aware and ignore anything that feels other than the Light, and focus on all that is pure and harmonious. There is nothing to fear any longer, as your future is absolutely assured and nothing is going to prevent Disclosure and the arrival of our Space Friends. The opportunity to ascend is the natural conclusion of this cycle, and although you have missed out on earlier occasions, this time if you are ready you are absolutely certain to ascend. Mere mortals cannot stop what has been divinely decreed, and bear in mind it applies to the whole Universe.

There are many people of good heart and compassion who are unaware of what is coming, but that will not preclude their opportunity to ascend. It is the many human traits that are accepted in society that holds one back. However, providing your life is one that is full of good intent, and that you value and respect all forms of life you are still of the Light. God desires that as many souls as possible rise up and leave the lower dimension, and are rightly restored to their place in the higher ones. Yet you are the one who makes the decision as to your future, and you are totally free to decide what you do. Anyone who is in doubt can trust their intuition/Higher Self, as you may not necessarily have finished with your experiences in duality. It comes down to what you feel comfortable with, but please do not fear change as it is happening quite naturally all of the time. The impulse is to drive onwards ever consuming more Light, that is in any event going to raise your level of consciousness and awareness.

New York Times Openly Admits Domestic Terror Plots Masterminded by the FBI

New York Times Openly Admits Domestic Terror Plots Masterminded by the FBI

'If it seems as though the FBI is making a large number of terror busts these days, maybe it's because the agency itself is at least partly responsible for hatching the plots. That has some political observers wondering if the FBI's strategies are making the best use of the nation's limited counterterrorist resources.

In recent months, FBI agents have arrested suspects who were planning a range of terrorist attacks, from shooting Stinger missiles at military aircraft to driving vanloads of explosives into crowded events. But these amazing cases might not have ever been made if the FBI itself wasn't themselves planning the attacks.'
Read more: New York Times Openly Admits Domestic Terror Plots Masterminded by the FBI

3 executives to reportedly exit J.P. Morgan after $2 billion loss

3 executives to reportedly exit J.P. Morgan after $2 billion loss

Three high-ranking people are expected to leave J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. this week, said people familiar with the situation, in the latest fallout from a trading blunder that has cost the bank at least $2 billion.

The departures involve three of the highest-ranking executives with direct connections to the losses, according to the people familiar. Those leaving are Ina Drew, who since 2005 has run the risk-management unit that is responsible for the losses; Achilles Macris, who is in charge of the London-based desk that placed the trades; and trader Javier Martin-Artajo, a managing director on Mr. Macris' team, the people said.

Ms. Drew has offered to resign multiple times and that request will likely be accepted this week, these people said. She is expected to leave as soon as Monday, the people said.

Trader Bruno Michel Iksil, nicknamed the "London Whale" for the big positions he took in credit markets on behalf of the risk-management unit called the chief investment office, is likely to depart as well, but it isn't yet clear when that will happen, said people familiar with the situation. Mr. Macris, Mr. Martin-Artajo and Mr. Iksil have all been stripped of trading responsibilities, added one of these people. All four executives declined comment through the company.

The departures come as Chief Executive Officer James Dimon struggles to contain damage from the losses, which the nation's largest bank by assets disclosed late Thursday in a twist that stunned Wall Street. The disclosure of the trading missteps last week sent J.P. Morgan shares tumbling 9% in trading Friday, costing $14 billion in market capitalization.

Click for more from the Wall Street Journal.