Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Veterans Today Headlines - December 25, 2012

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       December 25, 2012
Jesse Ventura "Outs" US Government Mind Control Attacks on AmericaVentura's "Brain Invaders"
Ventura takes on what we have all suspected for so many years, the government's use of advanced technologies, very real mind control
merry_christmasSami Jamil Jadallah
Salam, Peace, Shalom
ScreenHunter_1077 Dec. 25 15.20Veterans Today
Preventing the Coming U.S. Disaster in the Caucasus
Congressman Mark Siljander explains why educated Muslims and Christians share a virtually identical faith...and ought to unite against the values of Anti-Christ.Kevin Barrett
And blessings of the Holy Prophet Jesus to you, too!
North Korea ICBMBob Johnson
US Politicians Show More Concern For Israel Than For America
ScreenHunter_1073 Dec. 24 15.29Gilad Atzmon
Did the Age of Enlightenment Never Occur?
Major Foreign Intel agencies taking a close lookJim W. Dean
Israel activates American 5th column for Sandy Hook damage control
Who Were the Other Shooters?
bdsStephen Lendman
BDS Breakthrough
lanzaJim Fetzer
Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook?
A FT. HOOD HEROGordon Duff
The NRA "Chokes" on Real Terror Threat
President Obama told AIPAC that there had been a lot of loose talk about war with Iran, but that diplomacy was still the best course of action for both the U.S. and Israel.
Crisis! Pro-Obama Jews Must Demand Diplomacy Advocate Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense
Do we want to spend the next four years under the jackboot of the neocons? »»
President Barack Obama speaks at a vigil held at Newtown High School for families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut Friday.
Phillip Giraldi
Christmas in Connecticut
Who is to blame for the horror? Well, maybe we all are in that we are not marching in the streets in protest, but those in power are surely more culpable than the rest of us. »»
Senator Chuck Hagel Keynote Speech Israel Policy Forum Annual Event December 4, 2008, New York City
Senator Chuck Hagel Keynote Speech Israel Policy Forum Annual Event
Note this from the Israel Policy Forum on Hagel. Even the Israel Policy Forum doesn't concur with the Kristolite and Rubinite attacks on Hagel »»