Monday, December 10, 2012

Soldier Hugs: The Pied Pipers of Recycled Smoke

*One Small Push for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind*

“Door of Opportunity have sign that say, ‘Push to Open.’ It never locked.”

—Singh Li Peng

It is time for us to know the truths that have been locked away. The “Great Awakening” is upon us which will EXPOSE all of these UnTruths. TAKE CHARGE of your mind and soul and begin to see things for what they really are and awaken your conscious spirit within!

Behind the scenes we have a battle raging between the banking Cabal of the West (the “bad guys”) and the Dragon Cabal of the East (the “good guys”), which amounts to NOTHING more than internal quibbling over who gets to Steal the Most from the world population! It is a distraction, a Pied Piper tooting his own horn, trying to get you to follow him to the Wonderland of the “free ride,” where you can have everything you want at the push of a button and no responsibility for your actions.

More to follow….

In the meantime, please consider the message in this very simple animated Youtube video