Sunday, December 9, 2012

RTS: Wayshowers, be gentle

Well my friends..... If you listened to the round table discussion last night on Blog Talk Radio, then you now know that I'm a chick. lol

If you missed the live show last night, (sorry for the spoiler), you can listen to the show HERE or HERE.

Deb, Hope, Carol, (and Sherri who was hiding in the back ground) and I had a great time last night and the two hours flew by so quickly it was seemingly over in a blink.  I have a feeling that we'll be getting together again very soon for another round table conversation.

For everyone who is waiting for my next update, I did give a very small update last night on the show-  go to the recording HERE and fast forward to approx. the 1:06 mark.

Again I will reiterate that absolutely incredible things have happened in the last few weeks, especially this past week.  We are at a point of no return- the things that have been done cannot be undone, and the things that have happened can only go forward.  Timing is everything, but the timing is silent and no one knows the exact time it will be released- not me, not my sources.  This is an ever  modulating event, constantly metamorphosing: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. "The Plan" adjusts and adapts to each nuance...
...hence the fact that we just do not know the moment.

But it is coming.

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