Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Remembering Past Life As An Extraterrestrial

This is my sketch of my former self as a mener
[Note from Konstantinos: On this year's summer, I had an amazing synchronization with my friend Theodore. One day we were sitting and drawing in his house's backyard, when I suddenly heard in my mind the word 'mener'. I didn't tell him anything. Some minutes later, he told me about his experience, the following text, and he mentioned the word 'mener' and I was pleasantly shocked (-_-). We have also been witnessed together some sightings too.]

Through my journey I managed to find answers to many things,some of them being answers about me.To be more specific, my previous life. Last summer one day while I was meditating, I was trying to enter my galactic ship ”Etha” that I created and I couldn’t concentrate enough due to loud noises coming from downstairs. I was at the point where i could hardly see the inside of my ship and it was then that i felt a hand grabbing mine and helping me enter.I suddenly was able to concentrate enough to continue my astral travel.

In my ship I saw a being that had the shape of a man,he had no facial characteristics other than a mouth that was always so positively smiling.The whole body had a glossy look to it.His name was Ionno ”I-as ear”. He agreed to take me to his planet.It was beautiful. I could see the universe and a few colourful planets. The entire surface of the planet was like a desert with huge pilars at the size of buildings on it. When I asked him what the name of the planet was,he answeared with the name Ionno. I was surprised to find out that I was communicating with a planet that took a human like form to become more acceptable by me.Ionno explained to me that in my previous life I used to live on him as a ”mener” which was the only tribe inhabiting the planet.We were very peacful amd positive
and we mainly used materialized energy for our constructions.We had human like forms and we looked a lot like the blue creatures from the movie ”AVATAR”. I also found out that I had a wife and a son.Unfortunately  I don’t remember their names or mine right now but i will post them at some point.Due to an atmospheric destruction mener started diyng.Some managed to escape and habit other planets and some did not.My son died and became one with balance while me and my wife got separated while escaping.I didnt ask

Ionno where i lived for the rest of my days as a mener but i know that i lived a peaceful life until I chose to incarnate in the body that I have now. I asked Ionno about my wife but he has yet to find her.Ever since that event Ionno has being inhabited by any other life forms and has being looking for any mener survivors throughout the universe.Thats how he found me.

I feel relieved to know about my previous life and will keep searching for my mener soul mate.

Landscape from the Planet Ionno