Friday, December 7, 2012

Raleigh City Council Sits Idle When Asked “Why are you Poisoning the People?”

Our friend, Corey Sturmer, over at the Golden Rule website has just released a scathing report against his local county officials who are in complete ignorance of the fluoride poison being poured into the public water supply.  Corey has posted videos and an independent water analysis test to prove the unsafe levels of toxic chemicals that the citizens of Raleigh are drinking on a daily basis.

Many kudos to Corey and his fellow patriots for exposing and confronting ignorant city officials on the use of fluoride added to drinking water.

I re-posted the article taken from Corey's awareness blog ,

Please show your support for Corey and his relentless actions against local government official by visiting his website HERE.


BOMBSHELL – Raleigh City Council Sits Idle When Asked “Why are you Poisoning the People?”

In the highly anticipated December 4th Raleigh City Council meeting a cadre of patriots brought forth stunning revelations about the council’s ignorance of their own policies, denial of peer reviewed scientifically factual research, and overall breathtaking silence as lies and deceptions were uncovered in mere minutes.

As per the official agenda, the night was supposed to begin with the re-airing of this 8 minute piece produced by WTVD news on water fluoridation.  The citizens involved had pre-arranged with the City Clerk to project this piece in lieu of speaking to the council, effectively using all of the allotted 3 minutes/person in combination to ensure the council members watched the clip in its entirety.

As you will see below the council fearfully denied our request to air the video simply because they do not want to “set precedent” for citizens using their allotted speaking time in combination with others.    I guess they don’t have time in their busy schedules to hear the citizen’s concerns.

All this despite the fact that the time allotted was more than it would have taken to play the clip.

Undeterred by the Council’s cowardice, Katie Habberman and Marcus Hill posed some pointed questions to the Council regarding the city-supplied certificate of analysis which shows the specific addition of multiple compounds, all toxic, under the umbrella term “Fluoride.”  Their answer, as you will find below, was deafening silence from a squirming city council resigned to their own corruption and misdirected policies.

This silence was broken only by Councilman John Odom who defended fluoridation by saying:
“I drink the water the city of Raleigh puts out, and I think it’s the best in the country.  I’ve supported it the 14 years I’ve been on this council and I certainly have no fear of making that statement.”

PCS Phosphate Certificate of Analysis