Monday, December 10, 2012



In how to walk the bridge across
Or amble one’s way through the 
threshold of time
To the old dreams of mankind
the one told us in all the Good Old
Books of humanity
On the new dream of old and young.
Paradise, Promise Land
Heaven, Pure Land
of  Allah, Jehovah, God the Father
and all the Avatars
Our gracious mother Earth
is ready to start a trip
with or without us.

Luggage to be left on the outside
please take off your shoes
stand on line and kindly allow
for the kids, the old and
the sick to go first
There are no numbers
and it’s a long line
No guns allowed
neither jewelry that is not
sacred, or made with the blessing
 of mother earth.
Do not bunk underground
do not hoard with fear
but to save is wise.

Leave behind the fears
ask for forgiveness and forgive
Let the sunlight bathe you
become a guardian peace
for the sacred places of
mankind, on your mind
share a vision for the future
unshakeable by the normal
bumps of the ride.
Drop your Country, nationality
your political views, race,
and moral believes
drop the isms and pick the ease
Go to the forest, let the fresh moss
of dawn kiss your foot
It’s  the embrace of the
natural kingdoms, to whom
we had hurt so much,
that will bring us across
to the land we’ll know
as the New Eden.

Cecilia Bravo-Mittmann

"The Universe is made up of stories, not of atoms" Muriel Rukeyser