It is being done to try to prevent you waking up, and
seeing all the information that has been suppressed for years. Do not
allow yourselves to be distracted, no matter how bad you feel. Because
you are hurting, it does not give you permission to lash out and hurt
others, whose intentions are honorable. You are all in this battle
together; all fighting on the same side, with one goal in sight – the
removal of the Dark Cabal. The Cabal uses the same formula every time in
order to achieve its aims. Do you not see that by killing your
children, they hope to remove your rights, so that they can make laws
that would leave you at their mercy. Think carefully on this one, as you
have everything to lose. Infiltrators are positioned to appeal to the
masses, to make it seem that you do not care if you do not do as they
demand. Learn from these terrible tragedies. Recognise the formula and
look for the real culprits. They do not give up easily. You need to be
awake and alert to look behind the official story.
Knee jerk reactions
lead to disastrous decisions. You are not being told the truth. Stand
firm. Do not be pushed into agreeing to something that you will most
certainly regret. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Those in
the Cabal are laughing at you. They play games with you. They actually
show you, in advance, what they intend to do, and you still do not see
it. They feel they do not need to hide their plans. They are confident
that you are sufficiently asleep that you will not notice them. How they
relish the fact that they have got away with so much for so long. It is
up to all of you, now, to read all that was hidden from sight. Brave
people are now coming forward with it, to enable you to understand the
real truth.
Go forward into 2013 with eyes wide open and with love in your hearts, in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path, where truth is paramount. There is sufficient information out there in the public domain, to convince you that you have been constantly lied to, by those who make the decisions. Stop being victims. It takes courage to stop being the helpless victim but you must step into your own power. Ancient history has all the answers. Yes, you do need to go back that far in order to understand why the world is in such chaos now. That is when the big take-over began. You have been lied to and controlled like sheep, ever since.
“Love changes everything”. That is so true. When mankind learns to love, instead of fearing each other as you were taught, then the killing will stop and there will be peace for all mankind. The more love you give, the more you will receive. Every creature on Earth needs to be loved and cherished. Send LOVE to situations that seem hopeless, then wait to see the energy change. Let love be your weapon. Use it to bring about the changes that are needed. Many of you do not understand that you must first love and accept yourself before you can love another, or use the power of love to bring about peace and harmony. You are the knights in shining armour who will rescue your planet from the hands of the infidel. Everything will fall into place when the timing is right. You just need to be open to it. Those who only strive for financial gain will be left by the wayside. It is time to reassess your values, as this creates such fear and stress that it takes over your life completely and you fail to see the full picture and your part in it.
Many of you are targeted individuals because of your work for justice and truth. You must recognise this fact and invoke protection and guidance. Take responsibility for your life and wellbeing. Close all doors to possible attacks and constantly ground yourself and ask for protection. Protection cannot be given unless requested. You learned this fact the hard way, my dear. You assume it is all bad luck, but when your eyes are open, you see clearly that you have been selected for attack, to try to prevent you from carrying out your mission. Once you recognise this fact, you can deal with it. This goes to show the alertness of those in the Cabal: they know who everyone is, and they know their role in bringing about the Transition. Those of the Cabal FEAR YOU and this is why they attack you. They consider your role important, so you must accept THAT IT MUST BE SO. It is up to you, to use every means at your disposal, to protect yourself. You have nothing to fear, except fear itself. Surround yourself with love and light.
Veronica, my dear, life continues to be a struggle for you. Trying to keep everyone on track and protected is not an easy task. You need the support of those around you. You are a team and should act as such. The obstacles and blockages are sent to try you, and indeed they do. Continue to work in the sure knowledge that we will succeed. I walk this lonely path with you, my dear. We have loved each other in many lifetimes. Past love is powerful, it cannot die. It is to be valued as it is priceless. When you find it, treasure it.
Let us go forward, my dear, in love and light.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation