Sunday, December 9, 2012

Look at the Breathtaking Pillars of Light in Finland!

Who needs Christmas lights?

See more here.

Erno Tammelin
Published on: 12.05.2012 13:37

Readers were immortalized stunning lighting effect in different parts of Finland.

Within a few days in different parts of Finland have observed the reflected sky column of Light.
The phenomenon caused by airborne, small ice crystals, of which the light is reflected and possibly also folds, says the Finnish Meteorological Institute researcher Tiera Laitinen. Laitinen said, “Pillars which form the ice crystals are generally in a plane. They hover in the horizontal plane, in which case with artificial lighting creates a column in the shape of a pillar of light. Phenomenon is reminiscent of many of the more familiar halo effect, which manifests itself in the sky visible in various circles, arcs and brighter and brighter.
Halo occurs when the sun or moon light is refracted or reflected off of tiny airborne ice crystals. – It’s really just the same phenomenon. This time, the light of the city illuminates the ice crystals.” Laitinen says.
Apparently, many of Blossom Goodchild’s channeled messages made reference to ‘pillars of light’ in the skies, and we’ve seen them in other parts of the world, too.
Here’s Blossom Goodchild’s channeling links to the predicted pillars of light:
and more… you can find all of her channelings: