Sunday, December 30, 2012

James Gilliland – Dealing With The Multilevel Shift

It is now common knowledge we live in an electric universe yet lets take it further to say we live in a conscious universe where everything is connected and affected sometimes instantaneously. There are influences daily many unseen affecting our daily lives. There are planetary influences and alignments, massive Gamma and Xray blasts from other systems as well as energies coming in from other dimensions. We are multidimensional beings with mental, emotional, astral, etheric, and higher spiritual bodies. The consciousness, light and energies coming from all levels affect the entire vibrational continuum. Changes in consciousness, “Cause”, affect everything down to the physical. Incoming light and energy also have an effect as well as magnetic energies due to planets, suns and our relationship to galactic core. Solar flares, CMEs coronal mass ejections have the greatest impact on our bioelectric fields, weather, earthquake and volcanic activity. Watch the activity of the sun and observe your own emotional state during solar flares. People ride the highs and lows of the waves with emotional outbursts, agitation, followed by lethargy. These releases of energy including the Earth’s pisoelectric waves during major quakes can even make people sick, feel disoriented, dizzy, have muscle or joint pain and heart palpations. Many sensitives use their bodies as tools for divination.

Something not taken into account is what this is doing to other levels or dimensions; which also affect this dimension. The astral level is in the process of extreme transformation. The lower levels of the astral level have some very confused, controlling, manipulating entities. They feed on base attitudes and emotions on this level. Fear, guilt, anger, beliefs in separation, agitation all can be felt as ones own emotions when actually they are coming from other levels. These are unseen negative influences yet we can also be influenced by the attitudes and emotions of those around us in the physical. Those in the physical with hitchhikers astral beings connected to them can create a serious impact on those around them. Now before I loose a few people it is good to remember being enlightened means being in knowledge of all levels of influence. Self-mastery is mastery over all levels and maintaining your own self-authority. The self I am referring to is your God/Creator/Spirit self. Self-mastery means mastering your emotions, unseen negative influences, becoming the observer of self and your environment. This is why the Masters, Saints and Sages, enlightened monks, Yogis and Lamas maintain their bliss and clarity of mind in any situation. They do not abandon logic or critical thinking even when it comes to observing themselves.

These masters are not swayed by emotional influence a tool used by the mainstream media and the controllers to direct the masses. They see through the problem, reaction, solution program, knowing the real solution is to know who the puppet masters are—seen and unseen, their agenda and the true source of the problem. On a more personal level they are aware of how other influences seen and unseen are trying to affect them. This includes unseen negative influences working through those closest to them, family, lovers and friends. These are the hardest influences to overcome due to the bonds upon which these influences can travel. The ultimate goal is to be sovereign. Learn loving detachment and how to heal unseen negative influences. Keeping a constant vigil on ones own energies, feelings, and emotions is the best path to maintaining ones love, joy and bliss. Observing how you feel in the presence of others, changes in environments, etc. also help one on their path to self-mastery. The more you simplify, the more you can get out in nature, the more you pray and meditate even if the intention is to master self the more mastery you will have over seen and unseen influences. There will be a host of reasons why we cannot do these things yet those very reasons are why most are in the state they are in. It is time to reevaluate our lives, how our actions affect others and nature, and do so with brutal honesty. Our minds and intellects can validate any behavior yet when we find the silence of the soul we realize we might have become a little integrity challenged. Remember, become the observer, be aware of how the energies of others and changes in environment affect you. Most of all learn how to heal unseen negative influences and maintain your own self authority. Within the heart of hearts of all humanity is a loving, joyous, powerful manifesting God/Goddess. It is the spark awaiting to ignite into the full flame. Make this your intention. Be well,

Here are tools and understandings for healing unseen negative influences. These are covered in the books, Reunion with source and Becoming Gods available at

james gilliland

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