December 28, 2012

President of the Population Media Center, Bill Ryerson, recently bragged that its population control brainwashing campaign in developing nations has been “a smash hit.”
The Population Media Center is an American population group producing fictional programs for worldwide dissimination purposes. Its mission: to spread the message of population reduction through works of fiction. Ryerson, the Center’s president, also heads the Washington-based Population Institute. Both groups are active in the modern day “population movement”, striving for worldwide population reduction in the name of the earth.
During an interview with PeakProsperity’s Chris Martenson, Ryerson boasted that (radio) soap-opera’s are the most effective way to cull populations worldwide.
“One of the things that we do – and that is the primary thing we do – is to use a strategy of communications that has turned out, from everything we have been able to measure, to be the most cost-effective strategy for changing behavior with regard to family size and contraceptive use on a per-behavior change basis of any strategy we have found on the planet.”
Ryserson explains that fictional platforms have proven to be successful carriers of the crypto-eugenic message:
“(…) the use of long-running serialized dramas, melodramas like soap operas, in which characters gradually evolve from the middle of the road in that society into positive role models for daughter education, delaying marriage and childbearing until adulthood, spacing of children, limiting of family size, and various other health and social goals of each country.
And we have now done such programs in forty-five countries.”
Ryerson continues to brag about the Center’s propaganda campaigns, especially those in Nigeria:
“(…) a program we ran from 2007 to 2009 was listened to by 70% of the population at least weekly. It was a twice a week program. It was clearly a smash hit. And it was a smash hit because it was highly suspenseful and highly entertaining. But it had a storyline dealing with a couple deciding to use family planning, which is almost taboo in northern Nigeria because less than 10% of the people in that region use any modern method of contraception. We had eleven clinics have healthcare workers ask clients what had motivated them to come in for family planning, and 67% percent of them named the program as the motivation.”
“That”, Ryerson explained, “is the kind of thing that can dramatically change demographic trends globally. We need to greatly expand this type of work.”
The Center is heavily sponsored by the corporate and “philanthropic” elites. On its slick-looking website, the Center states “contributions from and partnerships with the following organizations have enabled us to do work which initiates improved health in people all around the world, while providing engaging entertainment!”. Their list counts many UN organizations among its “contributors” as well as USAID divisions operating in so-called “high-fertility nations”:
“The Population Institute, Population Matters, PSI, RAES, Rare, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, Save the Children Norway/ Ethiopia, Save the Children US, Texas A&M University, Tree Aid, UCLA School of Public Health, UNDP Burkina Faso, UNDP Headquarters, UNDP Kyrgyzstan, UNDP Papua New Guinea, UNDP Swaziland, UNDP Sierra Leone, UNFPA Burkina Faso, UNFPA Ethiopia, UNFPA Headquarters, UNFPA Jamaica, UNFPA Kyrgyzstan, UNFPA Malawi, UNFPA Nigeria, UNFPA Papua New Guinea, UNFPA Philippines, UNFPA Rwanda, UNFPA Senegal, UNFPA Sierra Leone, UNFPA Vietnam, UNICEF Ethiopia, UNICEF Headquarters, UNICEF Kyrgyzstan, UNICEF Sierra Leone, The Unitarian Society, University Research Co. LLC, UN Women, USAID Jamaica, USAID Kyrgyzstan, USAID Mali, USAID Niger, USAID Rwanda, USAID Senegal, US Embassy/Department of State, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.”
In addition, the Center receives funding from literally all the major foundations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund, The David Rockefeller Fund, Ford Foundation, and the IMF Employees’ Fund.
When we take a look at the Center’s program advisory board we encounter some familiar names, including Paul and Anne Ehrlich, as well as World Bank luminary Herman Daly (who recently called for smaller, less “resource-intensive” people top bred into existence). Interestingly, some names from Hollywood pop up, advising the population center on how to best convince audiences worldwide to cull themselves. Among the names mentioned we find director Jeremy Kagan, renound because of his many film and television projects.
These population reduction propaganda efforts have been going on for a good while. A 1973 UNESCO-publication called Mass Media, Family Planning and Development: Country Case Studies on Media Strategy proposes the creation of “family planning communication resource units” for every nation concerned within the UN-system, especially third-world nations. The reason being, so the report states, that “culturally, there is an emphasis on fertility, and the birth of children to the family is celebrated, as a symbol of prosperity and for status for women.”
“A Communication Resource Unit”, the document reads, “is responsible for the implementation of media policy for one, or more than one field.” The document proceeds with outlining the functions of such a unit in regards to family planning messages:
“The integration of messages is a matter which concerns the Communication Resource Unit, in that an integrated approach to family planning needs to be worked out. (…) These (messages) may be ‘family planning for maternal health’, ‘family planning for family prosperity’, ‘family planning for your figure’, ‘family planning for national prosperity’, family planning for child development.’ These messages will be pretested to find those which seem to appeal most to the eligible age groups.”
conveying the message to unsuspecting audiences: “(…) There are two ways in which the family planning message can be included in feature films. The first is for the family organisation to commission a film specifically for the campaign. (…) if it is to be successful, well known and popular actors must be chosen, and the scripting and direction has to be professionally executed. Another method is for the family planning theme to be introduced into feature films which are already planned and prepared by local commercial production companies. In this case, the family planning organisers must be aware of the possible ways in which the theme can be subtly incorporated, as producers are not likely to respond to a suggestion which involves the total re-thinking of the plot. (…) Suitable opportunities can be found in love stories, in stories based on conflicts between men and women (…).”
As it turns out, these subtle media tactics have indeed proven extremely effective- or, as Ryerson puts it, “a smash hit.”
Jurriaan Maessen’s post originally appeared on his website,