Thursday, December 20, 2012

George Kavassilas: Coordinated False Light Attack on Mother Earth & Humanity

 December 18, 2012
OJH Logo
Coordinated False Light Attack 
on Mother Earth & Humanity

Hallo Beautiful People,

So we are here, finally arrived at this point in time of the Cycle for Life Eternal where we have the opportunity to transcend not only the earthly matrix but also the cosmic matrix. Mother Earth has now put out her call. The new wave of energy is reverberating throughout the planet providing us a wonderful opportunity to take some quiet moments and recede/reseed back into ourselves. The changes that many are experiencing in both their inner and outer world are truly profound. For those who think there is nothing happening and this moment in time is all simply huff and puff, well, just because they can’t hear a tree falling in the forest doesn’t mean it’s not happening. 

I felt compelled to shoot a piece to camera the other night; some of you may have already watched it. It is a more intimate and personal expression than usual. The message is of utmost importance so if you feel compelled can you please share this link with as many as possible. I will let the content speak for itself. Here is the link: Enjoy.

Cynthia and I would like to take this opportunity to express our love and gratitude to each and every one of you, for your understanding, for your love and your support. It makes it all worthwhile and possible for us to be more effective in informing our Human family in the best way possible. We are reaching more and more people every day. 

Although we don’t have the capacity to answer every email due to sheer volume, we do however manage to read them all, so a big thank you to all the people that have written to us throughout the year, sharing their challenges, changes and resulting liberations. The testimonials we receive are truly heart moving and inspiring on monumental levels. 

A HUGE expression of love and gratitude goes to our volunteers, Jason, Liz and Christina who have contributed tirelessly, and everyone else that has also contributed in one way or another behind the scenes. We are able to do what we do because of your invaluable support.

Our love for you is eternal.

love freedom sovereignty,
george & Cynthia