Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Chemtrails Christmas Day 2012

Spending time with my spouse's family this Christmas holiday and had a wonderful time last night.  We ate, drank, and danced. My nephews were showered with gifts and everyone enjoyed Christmas Eve.  Happy Commercial Holiday! LOL!

This morning, I walked outside and saw a massive chemtrail operation taking place right before my eyes.  I called everyone to see what was going on. I never seen so many chemtrails at once.  Usually I see  3 - 5 trails at maximum.  Today, on Christmas , I counted over 15 different trails within 30 minutes.  This was the most I have seen since I started to take notice of chemtrails a few years ago.

enerchi_1111's Chemtrails Christmas Day - 2012 Florida album on Photobucket