Thursday, December 20, 2012


Bix Weir

Lots and lots and lots going on. 12/21/2012 may come and go but it doesn't mean that nothing happened. Something is happening. Something VERY, VERY big and our future will never be the same. For me it started on January 1, 2007 when I discovered the "Wishes and Rainbows", "Road to Roota" and "Banking Basics" publications posted on the Federal Reserve Bank Boston website. They are still there although they no longer have those huge red exclamation points after them! Here's the link:

Roota is still there telling her Grandma that she will defeat the "Big People", 911 is still written in the sand of the 2007 version replacing the formula to "On The Road to the Golden Age" in the 1881 version. They still show people cashing in their paper money for gold at the bank, standing in line with gold coins at the ATM and the takeoff on the GATA picture still shows the Federal Reserve Bank in glorious sunlight and an open door.

Nothing has changed...we've just gotten much, much closer to the end game.
If any of the above is confusing to you start from the beginning...

The Original Road to Roota

Greenspan's Golden Secret

Lots and LOTS of of water under the bridge since Janury 2007. Scandal after scandal, fraud after fraud, Operation after Operation. Who can forget when the Bad Guys bringing silver up to $50/oz and slamming it back down to $25??

You can thank JP Morgan and their "Swat Team" leader Bill Daley for that one...

JP Morgan: Operation Silver Slam
But we move forward...ever forward to the END. Here's my latest on the recent scam to control silver.

Foiled Again? Did I catch Citibank in the act with their plan to control silver prices by shorting the COMEX and going long the fraudulent LBMA silver market? Remember how that they had gone massively into the silver derivative world according to the first two OCC reports on derivatives. Here's the article I wrote about it...

ALERT: Silver Short Hot Potato Being Passed Again!
According to the OCC, Citibank has increased their exposure to silver derivatives MASSIVELY over the first two quarters of 2012. Here's the facts on table 9 (PREC METALS is mainly Silver):
1/1/2012 $44 million
3/31/2012 $5.7 Billion
6/30/2012 $9.5 Billion

Well word must have come down from the Good Guys to "Cut The Shit" because their CEO and COO were fired and the new OCC report shows virtually NO CHANGE in their silver derivative position for the 3rd quarter.
9/30/2012 $9.6 Billion

What does it mean that Citibank goes "Hog Wild" in silver derivatives for 6 months and then stops (or was stopped!) dead in their tracks and fires the top management?
Something is amiss and it is rotten to the core.

I'll be keeping an eye on it.

Interview: Where We Stand on the Road to Roota Theory

Here's an interview I gave addressing questions submitted to Elijah Johnson of We cover many topics and touch on things effecting the Road to Roota Theory and where we currently stand.

What REALLY HAPPENED at the RNC - Bix Weir part 1
SILVER PRICE 100% RIGGED - Bix Weir part 2
The "Too Big to Fail" Will FAIL - Bix Weir part 3
NO GOLD IN FORT KNOX - Bix Weir part 4

There are so many different components to the battle between the Good Guys and Bad Guys it's hard to fully comprehend just how complicated it is. I have no doubt the attempt to implement a "smooth transition" is the only reason the Good Guys have not laid the final blow on the Banking Cabal.
But there's just so much you can fix without something else bad popping up in it's place and I think the Good Guys are finally beginning to understand that.

There is no way to have a smooth transition. We're gonna have to just pull the Band Aid and let the bleeding run it's course.

That time is upon us.

How and Why the Galactic Alignment REALLY Changes Us
I'm no scientist or mathematician but I do recognize common sense. I no longer believe anything I was taught or was told by those in charge so my mind is open to all interpretations of everything now. Having said that when I heard that the earth does not necessarily revolve around the sun but is rather pulled along in a spiral formation behind it I had a hard time believing it.

But it's true. The math works and more importantly it makes sense. Watch the following video with an open mind. I know that many of you had never thought that 2012 had any significance at all but it does in a galactic sense and what is more significant...our tiny spec in the universe or all the rest of everything?

If 2012 represented a world in flux then 2013 has the ability to represent a world in rebirth and I can't think of a better way to kick it off than by putting an END to the rigging of the gold and silver markets.

Everything else will fall into place in due time.

Have an open mind.

Manipulation Disclosure, Exposure and GATA
So how about them GATA boys? GATA is absolutely on FIRE obtaining new disclosures about the long term manipulation of gold and silver almost daily. The cat is out of the bag...MANY, MANY cats are out of the bag! Watch how easy it is for them to explain the story these days...
Lauren Lyster will be seen as one of the FEW in the media who was a straight shooter.
Almost all others should be prosecuted for treason for spreading lies and forwarding the Bad Guy agenda.

Part of my Latest Conversation with God About Gold & Silver...was Hard to Believe but Likely True

The latest Conversation is not like the past 4. Here they are if you are interested:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
I have held back my latest Conversation with God because I really didn't understand it myself...and it never finished. There's something more to come but it must not be the right time...yet. But since we are on the bring of CHANGE here it is and you can interpret it as you will...

Part V -Conversations with God...About Gold and Silver!

Bix: Help God. Everything is so complicated.
God: Yes. Isn't it wonderful!
Bix: What are you talking about? Things are a mess!
God: Yes but there is no better thing in life. Your soul yearns for complication. That is why you are creating all this.
Bix: Why would my soul yearn for complication?
God: Because it gives you the greatest potential to experience the meaning of life.
Bix: What's the meaning of life...wait. Did I just say that?!
God: That's an easy one. The meaning of life is to experience life to its fullest.
Bix: Go on.
God: To climb the highest mountains. To create the greatest masterpieces. To win the greatest battles. To fully overcome the hardest obstacles. To dive into the darkest chaos, become that shining beacon of hope and come out the other side as the greatest expression of what is good and righteous and truly inspirational for all.
Bix: Sounds like a very tall order for us mortal humans.
God: But you are not mortal. You are a part of me.
Bix: Then why don't you just fix everything so we can live the way you say we can. Can you do that for us please?
God: Sure. It's is your decision. But I would be depriving you of that which your soul yearns for.
Bix: Which is?
God: The glory of lifting your soul from the depths of despair to a higher, more beautiful realm. That is your greatest reward. It is not where you end up that is important but rather what you overcame to get there. It is in the journey that you will find the greatest joy.
Bix: So the meaning of life is in the journey.
God: Yes!
Bix: Ok. Now back to our current complication. What about gold and silver. Will they ever be freely traded.
God: Yes...but you may not care by then.
Bix: What?? I care now so why won't I care then?
God: Because you are changing and the things you prioritize will change. Everything will be "revalued" very soon.
Bix: I know. All money will have to be revalued after the monetary crash. Right?
God: No. It's not a monetary "revaluation" I am talking about. It's the opposite. A revaluation of everything other than money. Of what is important in your future.
Bix: You lost me. Are you saying there will be no money in the future?
God: Yes. It would be a better system.
Bix: What?! Are you crazy? The problem isn't money but rather fiat debt based money! That's the truth as I understand it.
God: Yes, that is a serious flaw of the current monetary system. But there are flaws with ALL monetary systems.
Bix: I know that but gold and silver are the best we have. They are divisible stores of value that have scarcity and can't be created out of thin air. That's what the best form of money must be.
God: Yes but that's where your current monetary conditioning has blinded you to the flaw of money. Yes, the best money is a "Store of Value" but money itself has no intrinsic value. Money is actually just a "DERIVATIVE" of value.
Bix: Oh not the "D Word"!
God: Ha! Yes, very soon everyone will hate the "D Word". So much so that everything without intrinsic value will not be trusted. That includes ALL forms of money...even your best forms such as gold and silver.
Bix: But we must have some form of money for society to function. Barter is not a reasonable option otherwise how could a baker pay a home builder to build him a house?
God: But what if the builder liked building houses and the baker liked baking bread? What if they no longer HAD to do their jobs but rather did their jobs because they WANTED to?
Bix: That would never work.
God: With the way your society allocates value to things today you are correct. But like I said...things are about to change. Value will no longer be placed on what you have because the scarcity will be removed. You will be provided with all that you need...AND THEN SOME!
Bix: Again, you lost me.
God: You are about to be freed from your debt bondage. A total debt jubilee and then equitable reallocation of the wealth of the world. Each and every person will have enough wealth to live and thrive but most of all you will be free to explore you inner desires. To do that one thing you always wanted to do.
Bix Weir
