Sunday, November 11, 2012

Would a President Ron Paul say “9/11 Denial is Holocaust Denial”


Time to Really Find and Deal With the Real Culprits of the Wordwide 9/11 Holocaust

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

America just went through an election, another stolen election.  The clear winner of the Republican nomination was Ron Paul.  Instead, we were given, if those who voted for him are honest enough to admit it, a piece of human garbage.

Paul would have taken half the Democratic vote as well.  Many of us believe he should have trusted the American people and gone “Independent.”

Here is a video of Ron Paul being “circumspect” about 9/11.  Paul is very close to the intelligence community, the real one.  This is why his view tend to differ from the hypocritical blither of the two that ran.

Last week, a man was praying while on a United Airlines 757 flight.  Two fighter jets were called to intercept the plane and force it to land.  They were there in less than 10 minutes.  This has been US policy for over 45 years and bases across the US keep planes for these missions fueled and armed and have for decades.  One of those units is the 180th Fighter Wing in Toledo, Ohio.

Thus, when I was shown films of the 9/11 incidents, I was incredulous.  What I saw was impossible simply because you can’t escape NORAD and the Air Force.  The Navy, that’s something else, buy a 60 year old diesel submarine and you can sink anything we have but that’s another story.

This is a map of our air defense zones known as ADIZ.  I am leaving out the separate Alaska map as this, I believe, communicates the idea:

America’s “intercept zone” since 1972

Thus, seeing an airliner intercepted, as in 2010 when a young Jewish student was praying, isn’t unusual and has gone on continually, long before 9/11 and, as we see, to this day: A plane headed from LaGuardia Airport to Louisville made an emergency landing at Philadelphia International Airport Thursday morning because a 17 year old man on a plane was praying with tefillin, or phylacteries. According to Fox News, the man was questioned by airline personnel, who “didn’t get answers to satisfy them” and diverted the plane to Philadelphia.
The tefillin are two small boxes containing small prayer scrolls which are placed on the arm and forehead during prayer. They have straps which are wrapped around the arm and which dangle from the shoulders. A passenger who was not familiar with the Jewish prayer custom became suspicious and alerted the flight crew.
The crew quickly took emergency procedures and diverted the flight to Philadelphia airport due to the proximity to the city. Homeland Security and Philadelphia Police were alerted and were on the scene along with fire crews and a bomb squad. The 17 year old was taken off the plane and reportedly fully cooperated with authorities. The airplane was taken to a remote part of the tarmac at Philadelphia International, and other flights were not being affected by the incident.
“One person was taken away from the plane in custody and the rest of the passengers were released,” the Fox report said. US Airways spokesman Jim Olson said the passengers are being rebooked on other flights.
As time has gone on, “9/11 denialism” has taken over, we have lost our common sense, as Ron Paul points out so clearly above.  We accept rigged elections, certainly the two Bush elections and the killing of Mike Connell to cover it up should be a fact every American knows.  Ask anyone who John Wheeler III was, why his body was found in a garbage dump and why there has never been an investigation.

Ron Paul answers that question too.

Ask why no one has gone to prison over rigging the intelligence over the Iraq invasion.  Ron Paul could answer that too.  Was Afghanistan a good war?  Watch this one:

If you wonder why we are in Afghanistan, this is the answer, the lies of Rumsfeld and Russert.  Russert “didn’t make it” but “Rummy” is still around and out of prison.  Why?

Then again, remember this one?  The Bush White House got a newspaper, the “Irish Times” to put out an article stating that this video doesn’t exist, that you are imaging it.  The 9/11 Commission, which called for an investigation of the government for systematic perjury and withholding information during their investigation never saw this but you will.

You don’t think we know who the dispatcher and police are, or how the arrested terrorists got out of the country?  There were 120 picked up, 115 flown to Israel for some reason, released without processing or legal necessities and 5 were kept, not the armed bombers but the photographic group.

Ron Paul doesn’t remember seeing these news reports.  Do you?  Do you believe two national networks could report such a thing and have it disappear?  Who has that power, the power of “9/11 denialism?”

This is another one that nobody could ever talk their way out of.  How could this happen in America?  This video proves nothing about 9/11.  It only proves we live in a police state.
It proves that rather conclusively to any sane person.  Are you a sane person?  Are you a 9/11 Denialist?

Did you “bend over” when told?  Are you still in that position?

If you want to have a proper count of holocaust victims, add 30,000 veterans suicides to the dead Americans.

Don’t begin to count the others, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan (Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Yemen…)