Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wishing You Well - Two Alternative News Bloggers Taking Leave

Kauilapele.wordpress.com - Link 

I Will be Departing this Blog

Mauna Kea 11-12-12 Solar Energies

I have come to realize that writing this blog the way I have been, does not really fit with where I am right now. It has become more of a burden than a pure joy. Which to me means that, once again, the energies have changed, and it is time for me to change with them.

My path is MY path, and aligning with that path is really all that matters.

Recently, I’ve felt that posting everyone else’s blogs and posts and channelings and all of that, is out of tune with what I need to do, and what I need to be. I even find myself completely NOT reading many of the news and channelings posts that others release. They are not mine to post. Or even pay any attention to. Yes, there’s a lot going on out there. And I feel that NONE of it is mine to pay any attention to.

So who knows where this blog will go. I’ll likely continue to post my own messages, and perhaps some of what occurs while I’m on any missions that are left for my participation. And maybe that will be all.

I am not into posting other people’s news, the items of their interest, what is a “must post” or “make this viral” to them. And an occasional implication that I really should post what they have done (and if I don’t, well, there must be something “wrong” with what I’m doing).

There are a lot of great news and other type blogs out there now. Many are listed in the blogroll on the right side. I’m sure all will find their own.

Holding the Light on the 9-9-12…

As the photo above shows, I am most interested in following the Light, and, as the photo at right shows, in holding the Light. Nothing else matters.

The rest of this year it is very important to me that I continue to do just that. This is why I’m here. And if the blog is to go, it will go. If the blog is to stop, it will stop.

So let’s see what the Light has in store.

2012 - What's TheReal Truth

Taking a break . . .

Posted on November 20, 2012

Friends, Family,

I’m taking a break from my blog, whose purpose at the moment seems lost to you all. It is NOT about whether or not this sounds like Ben Fulford. It is not about the events in the Middle East, not really. It is about simply watching these events as we move towards Ascension, about which no one seems to have any interest at all.

You can focus on this stuff, if you choose, but I can’t involve myself in it. For me, my blog has become a drain on my energy, and I simply haven’t got anymore to give. I don’t know when or if I will be back. It is not my job to lead you toward the Light. It is up to you to get yourselves there, and as far as I can figure out, except for a few specific people, you simply aren’t interested.

The only way you are going to get anywhere in the future is if you do your inner work now, and you can’t be doing your inner work if all you are doing is focusing on things like ‘it doesn’t sound like Ben Fulford’ here, etc., etc, etc. If you would take more than a passing look at Drunvalo’s recent book, you would realize there is far more at stake than such conversations. The sort of things he discusses is what is important to me, and it seems you have little interest in his words; therefore, there isn’t much more I can say to you.

I’ve had several other important projects developing in the background, and it seems it is time for me to focus on them – at least for the time being. Maybe I’ll be back, but I just don’t know now. I didn’t intend my blog to become a place for news addicts, when life on the planet hangs in the balance. . .

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be sure to count your blessings!

Love and hugs,