
Monday, November 19, 2012

'Top Secret Insider' Reveals All - Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, Part#4, Q&A - Updated November 19th, 2012

Update: November 19, 2012

daniel's newest release about extraterrestrials


NEW FORUM! daniel and SoldierHugs have decided to create a new FORUM that
will serve as a collective Think Tank and network hub for serious
discussions of these topics and research, but also as an invitation to
other "Uncommitted Investigators" out there who are willing to share
there knowledge and research in an open format. Please click below to
access and sign up for the SoldierHugs FORUM.


Top Secret Insider Tells All - Part #4 - Extradimensionals & Extraterrestrials

Another Download Link:


Update: November 18, 2012

daniel has answered questions from some of the viewers.

Take a look.

Top Secret Insider Answers Viewers Questions


Update: November 9, 2012

Part #3 Released - November 9th , 2012

Top Secret Insider Tells All - Part #3 - The Uncommitted Investigator

Another Download Link



Update: November 7, 2012

I tuned into watch Project Camelot's 'Shadow Operations: The Mars Project' tonight and was surprised to hear daniel's name mentioned a few times. In one of the segments daniel was mentioned by David Wilcock as one of his inside sources to what is taking place in the black project world.  Apparently daniel is not new to the scene.


There has been coordination behind the scenes between a few different websites to release this amazing disclosure from an 'Top Secret Insider' going by the name of daniel.

daniel was recruited right out of college to work on highly secret black projects and has learned a great deal about what has been going on behind the scenes. He has decided to come forward and release what he knows to the general public. Much thanks to daniel for coming out and telling your truth.

Part #1 is titled as "Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension" . Part #2 is titled as "Time and Timelines" has been released.

It is encouraged to download and share the reports posted as to spread this information far and wide, so as to achieve no disruption in the original message. This is the main reason why a few alternative news sites are coordinating a simultaneous release of this information.

As always, discernment is advised with all articles posted here. Please feel free to leave your comments below and if you have any questions for this new 'insider' please consider to post them as well. I will collect all the questions posted by the community and forward them to the appropriate source. If answers are given, I will post those in a follow up article.


P.S. I will keep this post at the top for a few days and update accordingly with the additional parts to this story.


Part #2 Released - November 6th , 2012

Top Secret Insider Tells All - Part #2 - Time and Timelines

Another Download Link


Part #1 Released - November 5th , 2012

Top Secret Insider Tells All - Part #1 - Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and As...

Another Download Link:


Big Thank You To Soldier Hugs