Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TMan Update From The White Hats - November 13, 2012


Over the course of the last several days ... maybe a week ... I have taken the reins, with blessings, from the WH's to, for lack of a better way to say it, reset the conversation here until we decided to release #48. A vast portion of the comments received have been to push the release and others, after some conversation, get it. In as much as we want to publish but are not ready, some excellent conversation has occurred which has allowed me/us to outline how things a looked at. Specifically, I introduced the segmented view versus the 360 degree view for your consideration and use in the discernment of information. Some of you will give me grief due to your thinking I am making assumption about your intellectual or investigative aptitudes. In advance I would like to state this is not the case. In fact, we know that certain items should hit the news or the alternative media. We knew that this is a time of immense turbulence in politics and the control of the United States and ultimately the world. We knew that moves by all factions would get spun, and spun and spun leaving most of the 310 million Americans and the billions watching all over the world in amazement as they watch history in the making.

If you have read all of the reports ... all 47 of them, you know that we have been in the fray and understand the who, whats and where's of all of this. I can absolutely state that it has been equally frustrating for us as well as this all has played out. Most of the time we scratch our heads listening to all of it and at times we just pull the sheets over our heads in amazement and in the truth that we are very scared at the outcome. Yes, we have our pitchforks at the ready.

What I would want you to do is look around at your friends and neighbors ... are they ready or are you going to be the answer when all hell breaks loose, if it were to.

As we see it, we are not dealing with prudent men ... the Bush cabal, military coups, assassination teams, theft of huge/vast sums of money worldwide, etc. We have spoken to it all hear, yet, more importantly, who has put it all together and who has used a 360 approach to the view and perspective of correctness.

Some of you still don't buy in and, that is fine, you will also be the one hiding under the sheets when it all of whatever happens. No, I do not know anymore about the ominous but if you look at everything you might want to at least take interest and, at least, look to purchase your pitchfork.

This is an elite game that affects each and everyone of us ... control, power, lust for money ... and access to the space program, well maybe.

Now, as the reports finally come to the surface, REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE, you hopefully will be able to questions the truth, the desire of the spin and the attempt to get into your brain. If you don't think you are the target ... well ... nuclear power plants are for sale on the New Madrid fault line. Cheap!



I am telling you all this for a very specific reason. An article has come out that runs a concept that contains all of the specter of intel, counter-intel we are hearing.

I would not say this but the author Ben Fulford does. Now, we do not support others opinions here as we have a differing level of responsibility but this time maybe ol' Ben might just have something ... to a degree only ... but the view is very interesting as we just had the 360 conversation.

Please read at will, consume the information, compare it to differing opinions,and toss some out but remember it as you may need it later. DO NOT LET YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS GET IN THE WAY. Embrace the intel and file it away until other info come to the forefront.

We are going on a run here folks, keep yous eyes open ... pitchforks next to the bed.

I have read the article from an email and I think it is too long to reprint here. I would appreciate if one of our readers would be kind enough to get the link or article from the Fulford site and provide it for our readers here.

Know that a certain portion of the information in the article is true, other parts might be smoke and, other parts might be not so true.

Happy reading and discernment. Oh, two Tylenol PM right before bed works wonders. Check with your doctor if your haven't slept in more than four (4) hours.


Read The Benjamin Fulford Article that TMan talks about here.......... http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2012/11/benjmain-fulford-world-intervention.html