Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sheldan Nidle Update - November 27, 2012

3 Cib, 4 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! At present, we continue in blackout mode. We are busy establishing oversight committees to guide our Earth allies' organizations that are responsible for promulgating the new financial and monetary systems for your new realm. These committees will remain active only for the first six to nine months after the new systems come into force. The fiat financial systems still holding sway around your world are getting closer to collapse. The overwhelming debt accrued by your dark cabal is impinging more and more on the system's day-to-day operations. An enormous charade is being perpetrated for public consumption, by referencing only the amount of debt legally allowed to be carried on the books; in fact, this stated amount is about one quarter of the actual total debt. Your global economy is sliding quickly into the next series of crises that are to unravel it forever. Our earthly allies have wisely slid the new system into a position where it can take over when the 'death fall' happens. This death fall of your financial system will propel the cabal-controlled governments out of power. 

   Our primary responsibility is to shepherd all of this toward disclosure and first contact. Our liaison personnel have formulated a complex set of agreements that fits into the basic tenets set up by the nations that signed the Monaco and Paris accords in the spring of 2011. These nations uphold the termination of the Dumbarton Oaks monetary and financial agreements as well as the subsequent pacts established at various conferences since the end of World War II. These latter documents have now been replaced by those drawn up in the last two years by our sacred societies and a number of nations of the world. Several court cases and the existence of gold, silver, and platinum depositories, sufficient to cover the move to a new global hard-currency system, further legitimize these agreements. The primary stumbling block continues to be the major cabal-backed governments. However, these governments are being de-legitimized by a number of international court rulings.

   As we mentioned before, your world's governmental system of nation states is in reality an illegal perpetuation of the illegal modus operandi of the Roman Empire. All the present governments of your world owe their original sovereignty to 'permission' granted by the Pope, acting as stand-in for the Emperor of Rome. This de facto form of Roman governance is now ready to accede to a more legitimate, common-law version, in which sovereignty is truly returned to the people (its citizens). This change is already being proclaimed by means of a series of agreements that were recently signed off on by a group consisting of the original chieftains and shamans of your world. These registered changes to your legal governance are now ready to shift the governance of your planet to a whole new level. Many newly appointed officials authorized by these ancestral groups are to take the helm in this new governance and ensure the instituting of the new financial system and the formal disclosure of our benevolent presence in your skies.

   Disclosure is vital to what we consider as the best way to introduce ourselves to you. The dark cabal has long portrayed us as some sort of 'dark invader with a nefarious agenda.' This is far from the truth! We are here under the auspices of Heaven on a sacred mission of first contact. According to galactic protocol, as we have often told you, you are a society that our Science and Exploration teams deem 'not yet ready for contact.' As a result, this mission has presented us with many unique situations which required Heaven to grant us formal dispensations to enable us to push forward. Using these decrees as a guide, we reorganized this mission's priorities on many occasions but our objectives remained the same. Another non-standard aspect of this mission is the way these goals were to be achieved. Now, finally, we are getting to the point where the fruits of these labors are to manifest. First contact will bring you the means to return you to full consciousness and permit you to reunite with your spiritual and space families, with all the wonders of new knowledge and new adventures that that entails.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many events continue to make good progress. We are in constant contact with our Agarthan brothers as they coordinate the changes which are scheduled to take place shortly. Our Inner Earth brethren inform us that the many complex moves required to complete the formal alteration of your reality are still on schedule. We are watching as your present governmental systems begin an operation that is the forerunner of the official transfer of governance. These preliminary moves are taking place according to a series of international legal decisions governing the reasons for the changes. On the financial front, your present systems are in the process of a systemic failure, which for some time now has been quite evident to the experts who follow these trends closely. We are excited that the precursors of your new reality are manifesting, bearing in mind that these initial changes are merely the beginnings of what is, quite soon, to transform this dark realm.

   Everywhere the Light is working miracles on our behalf and we graciously give blessings for this each day! Nevertheless, the dark is maintaining the illusion that nothing is changing, which is how they have operated for the past 13 millennia. We understand the way that change comes suddenly into being, and the alterations just ahead will happen in this manner. Our associates report that the dark is grudgingly permitting the prerequisites of this reality shift to go forward, thus precipitating the key moment when this multitude of changes actually happens. We are in joy that our space and spiritual families are overseeing these changes, with groups specifically assigned to manifest the changes regardless of what final shenanigans are attempted by the dark! The Creator and the divine plan have decreed this move to the Light and it shall indeed come to pass. Each of you has been blessed and is on a divine highway to full consciousness.

   As the Light increases in intensity across your world, so the presence of our space brethren can become more marked. The craft you see in the night and daytime skies are here to be the heralds of this divine change. We too are ready to introduce ourselves to you, and our sacred associates are prepared to make their broadcasts, concerning specific sacred truths you need to know, shortly after the governmental and financial changes formally happen. In this way the Galactic Federation and your Light families can present themselves and explain the grand gift of Spirit which will soon transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. This sacred transformation will reunify your physical, spiritual, and higher mental and emotional bodies. Then you will become able to create your auspicious new star-nation and be welcomed back with open arms into the galactic community which awaits you with joyous anticipation!

   Today we reviewed the conditions that are shaping up rapidly to present you with an exciting transformation. The divine plan and the decrees of the Creator have brought us to the brink of this wondrous new realm. It is time to rejoice and prepare to welcome these events as they manifest before your eyes! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)