We watched the Light growing not just from above, and
our representatives with Angels were also present to witness first hand the
beauty and joy of your gathering. We also ensured your Conference was not
interfered with, because such an explosion of Light attracts the dark Ones who
would wish to extinguish it. It is as well all of you who are of the Light take
care to protect yourselves, and a simple visualization of placing a cocoon of
Light around you will keep you safe. What you learnt was that where there are
many of a like mind and intent, there is an instant bonding and a freedom of
expression that is uninhibited by social custom or practices. You felt
unrestrained and able to accept other souls without question. In your future
that kind of acceptance will be the normal way that you will interact with
We have mentioned many times, you are much more
powerful than you realize. Have faith more than you have ever had before, and
know that nothing is impossible. If you have the intent and belief in your own
powers, miracles will happen. Be forward in your thinking and try to not look
back, and set your sights on all that is whole and of the Light. Ascension is
assured but do not sit back as your help is now as important as it ever was.
There is still cleansing that is necessary as you are aware, and you can help
keep its affects to a minimum by sending out your Light to Mother Earth. She
has no desire to cause damage and death, but her Ascension is just as important
as your own, if not more so. Think upon her need to be every bit as ready as
you are, as Ascension is a time when you join together and ascend as One.
Life on your present Earth is coming to an end and of
necessity, because the cycle of duality has all but completed its course.
Nothing stands still and all is in motion and change to take up a new position
according to its vibration. Separation of the souls on Earth is therefore quite
a natural occurrence, as the Law of Attraction is always in action. Do not
worry about anyone's path as all are destined to follow one that has already
been planned. You will all find yourselves in the right place to continue your
evolution. Think not of losing your contact with those you love, as there will
always be one with them wherever they are. In the higher dimensions, time and
distance are no barrier to travel or communication.
In the U.S. the Presidential elections are
coming to a close, and President Obama will return to power to take you all
into the Golden Age. So far you have seen little of his real abilities or
desire to bring about World Peace. The dark Ones may have used their methods to
appoint their choice, but we of the Light are not without our way of making
sure our choice succeeds this time around. It is a victory that is assured, and
then you will really see things taking shape. Indeed you will be taken quite by
surprise by when things really start to take place. There are but few weeks
left to carry out whatever is needed for you to enter a new period in your
lives. Be prepared for the changes so that you are able to accommodate them
without any difficulty. They are not intended to make your life difficult, but
improve it beyond your wildest dreams.
The Storm Sandy was a natural occurrence needed by
Mother Earth to prepare for her Ascension, and will take place wherever there
are deep rooted negative energies. On another level you are aware that this
type of cleansing is going to happen, and when as a result people pass on it is
not accidental in the way you normally perceive it. We say again that nothing
happens by chance but all is pre-ordained. The raising of the collective
consciousness has overcome the need for a more drastic cleansing, so you are to
be congratulated for bringing it about. What you now understand is a clear
example of your power to create your own reality.
As you must realize the next few weeks are so
important to you, and should at last show you the way home. We cannot wait to
get started in such a way that you are aware of what is happening, and that we
can commence to work together. Once those Beings that stand in your way are
removed, we will all be much freer to move around as we wish. Then many more
changes will be introduced so that you are able to travel more quickly to any
destination on your world. All of our promises are to fulfilled in fairly quick
time, as we have been ready to go ahead for a very long time. Our plan is one
that encompasses worldwide changes and we have the back-up to commence in many
parts of the world at once.
Understand the fact that you have done so well in
establishing the Light upon Earth, has lessened the need for the traumatic and
catastrophic changes. There have been numerous prophesies going back many years
that have been based upon the "probabilities" that are played out by
you. The further you go back to say Biblical times, the more cataclysmic the
prophesies were. However, some people cling to those old ones maintaining a
time line that still exists today, but it does not carry the energy to affect
the end times. So you will understand that no one is "wrong" but has
become attached to a certain outcome that no longer applies.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank Lightworkers all
over the world for their continual commitment to Ascension, and Michael for
having the confidence to bring through a message at the Conference. I refer to
him as Michael because as with anyone else, the full name carries an energy
that is specifically for that person. Joyful blessings to you all.
I am SaLuSa.
Thank you Mike Quinsey