The love and peace being established on Earth is
growing exponentially, and as each day now passes it is encompassing the whole
world. To a greater or lesser degree every soul is being affected by it, and
some find it more easy to take into their being than others. So each soul is
given the same opportunity for growth into the Light, and to take part in
Ascension. However, knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to be
assured of rising up with it. There are many, many souls that are kind, loving
and compassionate who are also ready for such an upliftment. In fact they may
have quite a different view of the future, but that does not matter as they
will soon adapt to the coming changes.
As you know, every encouragement has been given to
Humanity for a considerable time, to turn to the Light as we desire that as
many souls as possible are lifted up. Some souls turn down point blank any
approach made to acquaint them with Ascension. In those circumstances they are
provided for so that they can continue on their chosen path, that will give
them further opportunities to ascend. There is no pressure put upon such souls,
as life is infinite and you have as much time as you like to evolve. Although
your coming Ascension is a high point
in your growth you will continue to follow a path of soul evolution, but it
will never be as tough or demanding as the period you have just gone through.
if you are well along the path of Light you will have
determined what "baggage" you are carrying, that is best released to
fully prepare you for Ascension. You are often tied to habitual practices that
you attribute to the needs of your physical body. It could be addictive
substances such as nicotine or drugs in general. Be assured that once you put
your mind to giving them up, you will find it easier than you might have
expected. Such pleasures of the body have no place in the higher dimensions,
and the higher your own vibrations the less dependent you will be on them. So
know that the answer is in your own hands, although you will get assistance
from our side of the veil. You are never alone in your endeavors to lift
yourselves up, so call upon your helpers to work with you.
With your upliftment what you are discovering is that
there is a distinct difference between physical love and soul love. One is for
the satisfaction of the physical senses, whilst the other is Universal Love for
all life everywhere. On Earth you tend to be led by physical attraction and
often take up partnerships without really knowing the person. In the higher
dimensions you see each soul as they really are and there is no hiding of the
truth. Being of a higher vibration you can see each others auric colours, and
with an understanding of their meaning you will know their soul path and
energies that they are using. Twin flames and Twin souls will come to know each
other, and usually decide to come together to further their evolution. There is
so much for you to learn about your future opportunities, but there will be
many of us on hand to help you.
Some of your learning will take place on board our
ships, which will be open to you after Ascension. It excites us to think of
your joy and surprise when you can experience what it is like to be on a
Mothership. There is much that you have not yet heard of or will be able to
understand. However, we want you to become acquainted with our technologies, as
some of you are ready to use them now. As you will probably know already, many
of you have visited our ships in your sleep state but few of you retain the
memories of it. It means that when you do visit us again, you will have
subconscious memories of such visits and you will realize that it is familiar
to you. You will find that many different types of Beings from other
civilizations work side by side for the Galactic Federation of Light. We enjoy
the knowledge and differences that other Extraterrestrials bring with them that
we can all share. Sharing is the operative word that expresses everything that
we do, and it is done for the good of all.
On Earth you have learnt to fight for possessions and
talk of ownership as a right. That has largely been due to the dark Ones who
have systematically kept you in constant need, even for the basic items that
are needed to exist. In the future you will experience abundance and never
again want for anything. God provided and it is Man who divided so that there
were two classes of people, the rich and the poor. The so-called shortages have
been the result of control and manipulation to enslave you to the big
corporations. It has also meant that you have been denied advances, that would
have immediately given you a better quality of life such as for example free
energy. It will be given to you very soon, and at a stroke change the quality
of your lives.
We know how patient you have been as the saga of
defeating the dark Ones has dragged on. We are satisfied that they have little
power left and we are in the throes of curtailing it now. With Obama at the
helm once more matters can be speeded up and he will become a very busy person
in short time. We have planned this time with him and nothing or no one will be
able to stop progress. It is as you might say written in the stars, and he has
received our protection at all times. Indeed every Light worker is protected,
although we are bound by their life plan if they are intending to sacrifice
their life for the greater good of all. You have many great Beings in your
history who have done just that, and the manner of their going is no accident,
it is planned. Perhaps your most loved President John F. Kennedy is a typical
example of one in your recent times.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to continue my
messages, intended to prepare you for the New Age. Looking back it is quite
extraordinary that we have been in contact with you for some 70 years, and look
where you all are today. You are familiar with our presence, and in general
accept that we are your family. We feel that we have achieved so much in a
relatively short time, and here we are so near to being able to openly visit
you. We look forward to those times when we can share many things with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey,