
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Removing The Shackle Blog Update November 4th, 2012

UPDATE: Nov 4th - It's a new day and All you need is love

I am busting at the seams to say so much, yet at this moment I can say
very little.

I know that people are hurting and desperate.  I know that people are
loosing hope that the changes will come in time.  I know that people-
especially those who've been awake & aware for so long- are feeling the
heavy hand of exhaustion and despondency as the end of the year draws
nigh.  I know that the newly awakened walk the line between doubt and
elation searching for proof to assure them selves that they haven't lost
their minds.  I know that dinarians feel like their golden ticket is
slipping from their grasp.

I have spent all day thinking about what I can write in this update.
Trying to figure out what little bit I CAN say, vs the HUGE pile of what
I can't say.  I hate being cryptic, but there is so much going on right
now that is extremely sensitive and cannot become public knowledge...
not just yet... but very soon.

I hinted at some things last week during my updates, and some smart
cookies caught on right away....