
Wednesday, November 7, 2012



 by Viedoklis_lv.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


As I understand, Andromeda Council representatives open visit on planet Earth can happen as [an] event only then when their presence can be reasonable and can't be manipulated by still ongoing influence by the Cabal. If Andromeda Council would appear today - than Cabal would activate media lies propaganda in such way that people would react in completely unreasonable and unproductive - just like Cabal wants it. So I guess this event or should I say card - can be played out only when it's best time for it.

Like every apple must ripe before it falls down from the tree. If you take it by force while it's underripe it will not taste as it should be - it won't be result you wanted. Apple is not ready yet and we have some hard events upon us to ripe for this event and receive it in a way it's best for us.

There is no hurry - everything has it's own "time" to happen.




by Leonid.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have not written to you for a long time now though you may remember my last questions and insight regarding Tekoma, the Hopi Red Star prophecy and others.

I am taking the time to write to you today to express my gratitude for all you have done for humanity again as I have keenly followed the many developments you've released.

Regarding Hurricane Sandy, which I strongly feel was HAARP created (prior to the election strangely), on Coast 2 Coast AM they had Whitley Streiber, Stan Deyo and others saying they had found a signature of an extreme heating near where Hurricane Sandy started, the signature of HAARP, they said. I was wondering is this the first of the current upcoming events which have to be played out?

I have been spreading the word of warning to many about the coming public 'landings' of the re-engineered reptilians.

Or should I say the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) lies, as sadly I can see many desperate people falling for this guise.

Your warning about the upcoming false public 'landings' of what will really be re-engineered reptilians who are already here on Earth, and who only LOOK human, was extremely valuable and I am daily thinking and praying for you & your protection, as are many others.

By the way, regarding "Cobra", I see through Cobra, particularly when it revealed its affiliation with the GFOL. Cobra? I thought of a cobra charming people and people being charmed, until it strikes its prey, people. I absolutely see it now as a... movement to introduce the GFOL and their "light chambers", think 'gas chambers', to an already led on and distracted audience. I see it clear now and others shall too.

Cobra talks of the light. So lets shine the light on it so people can see what it really is.

And, what's with John Kettler taking your words, and his flying purple people eaters? Huh?

Tolec, the Andromeda Council is the most valuable source of truth on this planet for many at this epic moment, and we all ask Creator to shower it with his blessings as you do this work.

On another subject, I and many others were very saddened to not see the cosmic event transpire as it would have been a grand wake up call for the rest of humanity, one that is much needed. I guess the A's surely felt the same. But maybe with Mother Earth in such drastic shape tectonically, it may have been prevented by Creator to prevent tragedy. Who knows.

I do know though that I still have 100% faith in all the Andromeda Council are doing and have done. And I look forward to meeting and helping my greater star family as it is my destiny, I know I'm sure, as I'm sure they are watching me.

I would also like to share some very interesting information which was a miracle no less -

I have been drinking very pure water on every sunny occasion that I leave it in the sun for 24 hours, and it is literally curing me of a past wounds I thought would never heal. I received this information from Hira Ratan Manek, an amazing man who lives off of nothing more than sunlight and sun "bathed" water. Please read it, if you have time of course -

As anybody who drinks sun showered water will tell you its extremely energising and as our sun, Sol, is putting out an enormous amount of energy during the ramp up; it is highly beneficial to many even though I get laughed at by many.

But hey, I agreed to all the ridicule before Creator sent me here to do my part, though its very hard sometimes. I'm not a native to Earth as I'm finding out, and that is why I've found it so unbearable for me since birth. The overall low vibration is rising quicker and quicker. I am awakening my friend, and I am to be a great soul upon an even greater Earth among many other great souls.

I thank the Creator inturn for bringing the Andromeda Council here, who in turn brought you into my life, who in turn brought the potential to change one of the worst places I've encountered into a jewel for all to see, as nothing is promised, the future always uncertain.

I stand ready to face chaos with my heart of gold, and I am noticing many who are drawn to me simply for my presence/vibration which has and is becoming very powerful with the force of Love.

With the Andromeda Council on my mind so regularly, I hope they feel my thoughts and I get to meet them when they finally come to here, if its still existing, and if I'm even still living here then.

If its ok with you, ill be in touch more often as I'm an instrument for the Creator's light, and I'm full of questions too.

I am very happy to contribute in any way and feel its just the beginning of a difficult but glorious journey.

May the Creator Bless us all.
