Here is the definition of a presidential memorandum: a type of presidential order issued by the President of the United States to the executive branch of the United States government. Presidential memoranda do not have an established process for issuance or publication.[1] Presidential memoranda are generally considered less prestigious than executive orders.[2]
Is this a public notice to the spies that there is now a full offensive operation against them? Does this relate to the recent resignations, demotions, and firings of top tier military personnel? Is this a great sign for the "good" guys or is this memorandum targeting the "White Knight" patriots who are fighting the dark cabal?
For me this turning point for humanity is supposed to be a positive experience or positive timeline. So based on this understanding I have, I would have to concur with those who think this is a win for the "good" guys. It is really exciting to watch these events unfolding in front of our eyes. I dont think this is a coincidence and this presidential memorandum is putting the dark cabal agents on notice that they are in full operation of finding the moles. I do understand that their are other viewpoints that suggest we are on a negative timeline and that we are all going to "hell in a hand basket". I respect your opinions, in fact you may be right. Call me naive, or too positive but I need to hold on to some type of hope that things will get better for humanity, not worse.
Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
For Immediate Release
November 21, 2012
Presidential Memorandum -- National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs

SUBJECT: National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs
This Presidential Memorandum transmits the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs (Minimum Standards) to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security. These threats encompass potential espionage, violent acts against the Government or the Nation, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including the vast amounts of classified data available on interconnected United States Government computer networks and systems.
The Minimum Standards provide departments and agencies with the minimum elements necessary to establish effective insider threat programs. These elements include the capability to gather, integrate, and centrally analyze and respond to key threat-related information; monitor employee use of classified networks; provide the workforce with insider threat awareness training; and protect the civil liberties and privacy of all personnel.
The resulting insider threat capabilities will strengthen the protection of classified information across the executive branch and reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security.