Sunday, November 25, 2012

Poofness Update: November 25, 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Thrill Seekers of Negativity
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 16:20:41 -0500

Greetings and Salutations;

Listen very carefully to the words of this song, if you can get pass needing to hear a banjo or 'spoons' in everything. Folks are out plowing thru everything said by somebody in the web. Conspiracy stories are everywhere...mass confusion. There is no need for it, just because you can't decipher the players, be cool. All is in order.

Time was always on our side. The losers can always be spotted by their bad behavior. As long as the old folks stuck to the plan, they'd take a shot of oxygen and do their jobs. Who knew, it would take so many D9's to keep the runway clear? Many folks lost their power and freedom in the last few weeks, you just didn't hear about it.

There are many ways to skin this cat, with out making a public spectacle of it. No need for the chaos of getting the masses all tripping when it's all being handled. Below are some links to show you where the world is going, no longer happening behind the curtains.

Change is upon us, now they 'fund' it. That makes you and I, mules, to spread the load out across the planet recreating the world we live in. I recommend staying close for a spell, now. Might find a surprise at your door. Everything ends and begins in this world. See ya 'out there'.
Consultations until the door bell rings.

Love and Kisses;