
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Petraeus' Resignation Will Stop Him From Testifying About Benghazi

Former CIA Director David Petraeus' resignation today, following his confession of an extramarital affair, seemed to come out of nowhere, and has raised a plethora of questions that will need to be answered in the coming days.

It's worth asking: was this in any way connected to the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi?

Ben Shapiro at Breitbart seems to think so, calling the scandal the "latest in a string of groundshaking events demonstrating that the Obama administration hid information vital to the American people."

And Rupert Murdoch seems to agree:

Petraeus was scheduled to testify before the House and Senate Intelligence committees on Thursday regarding the events surrounding September 11, as Congress gears up for a week of hearings related to the attackMark Knoller at CBS News tweets that he will no longer be testifying in light of his resignation, but acting CIA director Mike Morell will testify in his place, according to Politico.

Morell was quickly named Petraeus' temporary replacement by the Obama administration.

However, many reject the theory that Petraeus' actions are connected to Benghazi. “This had nothing to do with Benghazi or relationship with the White House — which by the way was excellent — or anything else for that matter,” an anonymous aide told Wired magazine. “Just his flawed behavior."
It's also important to note that an extramarital affair could very well have cost Petraeus his security clearance, as Business Insider reported earlier today.

PETRAEUS AFFAIR: He opened himself up to blackmail with his extramarital affair >