
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Montague Keen - November 18th, 2012

Montague Keen

My dear, it is heartening for us to see people waking up to the fact that those who control your world, control your media. This is how they have managed to keep you in the dark about their plans for your world. When you hear the truth spoken on your television, then you will know, without a doubt, that the light has triumphed.

You were excited to learn that many in Ireland are suing the banks; so, UNTIL THE BANKS ANSWER THE CHARGES, the people do not have to pay their mortgages ! The people of Ireland are to be congratulated on this. They are the first to attempt to take on the banks. It is going to be interesting to see how this one plays out.

Never doubt for one moment that the Light will return to Earth. The path may be rocky at times and many obstacles will be put in the way, but nothing that you cannot overcome. You are now living through the end times. The propaganda that the Dark Ones have thrived on, is now exposed. It just does not work for them anymore. Even their own people are standing up and revealing the lies that had held it all together for them. Their house of cards is on very shaky ground. The sheep are no longer prepared to continue to prop it up. All that is not based on truth will crumble and fall: you are beginning to see it all around you. The brainwashing that was done to keep you in your place no longer works. What is happening is a joint effort: the World of Spirit and those who are open to guidance from Spirit, are doing a fine job.

The child abuse that was top secret for years is now being openly discussed for the first time. My dear, you tried to bring this to public attention many years ago, but you came up against an impenetrable brick wall, no matter what you tried. Now that this wall has been breached, it will fall, and the truth of the extent of the abuse will be unveiled and exposed. This is an essential part of the cleansing process.

Nothing of this sort will ever be tolerated again. The great seats of power that once ruled, will disintegrate and disappear from the face of the Earth forever. This is now happening, right in front of your eyes, just as it should. By this time next year, nothing will be as it is today. The removal of power cannot happen overnight, for it is a gradual process of exposure and removal. The right people must also be in place to pick up the pieces and take the world forward to a peaceful future. A temporary state of chaos cannot be avoided, as this is a massive project and it cannot be rushed. We have considered all eventualities. Anything that is corrupt, in any way, will not be allowed to survive: though some will try.

Many of you have been shown the future, in order to encourage you forward to the desired result. Share this information, as it will give others the strength to reject the dark way of life to which they have become accustomed. Change does not come easy to many of you. You must recognise your strength and your numbers: you are the 99%. You are many, they are few.

Ancient portals are becoming active once more. They are bringing enlightenment to many people. Secrets that were well hidden are being exposed and information is being brought to light that will delight and amaze you. This is happening in many countries. There are new discoveries every day as the Earth gives up its secrets. It is an exciting time to be on Earth. Information will be given when you sleep and when you are in deep meditation. All this is stored in your sub-conscious mind. You will just know things, without knowing how you know.

Those of you who know that you have a role to play in the Transition, should prepare to act at a moment's notice, whenever the call comes. We need the element of surprise. The energy changes are becoming more powerful. Go with them: they bring you the strength to participate in the removal of the darkness. It will all become clear as the path unfolds.

My wife has had an exhausting few days. Please understand, if occasionally, our link is not as powerful as we would like. She is concerned about the conclusion of her work on Earth. Please understand, she has many worries to cope with.

I wish, my love, that I was still beside you.

Your adoring, Monty.