FBI, CIA and Foreign Intelligence Agencies “Leak” Romney Files
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
It started with a photograph. Mitt Romney in Cuba with a woman named “Maria XXXXX,” Cuban mother, Russian father. The year, 1999, a flight to Vera Cruz, then on to Havana.
The source, a top level FBI official managing counter-narcotics in Mexico, along with L3 Communications, gained access to the Romney file held by Mexican intelligence.
Romney, spying for Cuba and Russia, Romney running terrorism in Africa, this is what the FBI, CIA and the files state. Documents outline several meetings between Romney and Castro.
Nothing here is new to anyone but the public. The media had been approached to run this story.
ABC has it and is sitting on it, the US government has all the documents, only the public has been kept in the dark, kept from one of the larger coverups in the past couple of years.
We have so many, one can’t use the term “major” without risk of overstatement.
The story begins at Harvard and ends in South Africa, drug money, blood diamonds, spying for Cuba and Russia, a story offered to ABC News, a story documented to Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers and Harold Simmons, warning them, a warning they chose to ignore. They were told they were supporting an organized crime figure, told by unimpeachable sources.
Video Largely Confirmed by FBI and CIA
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Romney’s “college chum,” Cartel Boss, Carlos Salinas |
While at Harvard, I am told, the two established a “clandestine relationship” to build a money laundering empire, using Panama, Cuba, banks around the world, servicing the network of cartels the Salinas family controlled. Over the years, meetings would occur in Miami, Guatemala and Honduras that we know of, others, we haven’t documented.
This is the official biography of Carlos Salinas, the “sugar coated” version of Romney’s long time associate, one of many of this ilk Bain Capital is the financial arm of all crime “south of the border.”
Carlos Salinas was a Harvard-educated neo-liberal technocrat who became the youngest president in Mexican history. He won the first contested election in years for the notoriously corrupt Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) through massive electoral fraud against his rival Cuauhtemoc Cardenas.
He is best known in Mexico as a disgraced politician, and throughout North America for being the Mexican signatory to NAFTA.
As President of Mexico, Salinas worked to open up Mexico to foreign investment, including the privatization of Mexico’s national banking system (which was sold at below market rate to his political allies). Salinas’s continued work to repeal the social contract resulted in the rebellion of peasants of Chiapas under the Zapatista Army, with whom he later brokered a ceasefire.
After his term as president, Mexico sank into an enormous fiscal crisis due to Salinas’ economic programs, ultimately resulting in a devaluation of the peso by 200%. Salinas attempted to blame the subsequent administration of Ernesto Zedillo for this recession and was so villified by the Mexican press and people that he was forced to leave the country.
While Salinas was exiled, he wrote a thousand page book explaining exactly why all of Mexico was wrong and he was right which was released to universal horror in his homeland.
One of his brothers was murdered, probably by federal police, and another of his brothers was jailed for murdering a rival politician. His entire family has since been the target of numerous international money laundering investigations.
From the PBS show, “Frontline,” the family tree of the Salinas cartel
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Washing the Cash, Big Time, Requires Political Connections |
Operations would be managed from Panama, banking from Switzerland and the Caymans but client meetings would be held in Cuba.
Here, Russian and Cuban intelligence set Romney up with a mistress, “Maria,” who was also his “handler.”
We are told Romney has been in and out of Cuba constantly. Thus, nobody should know Latin America and its value than Romney. He sure knows China well. Now we know he also knows Russia, not just well but “very well.”
Romney has had repeated personal audiences with Castro, we are told. From his profile: “Romney is a compulsive gambler…”
According to our FBI source, top level counter-narcotics, Romney helped run narcotics trafficking through Mexico into the United States. He also continued to work directly with Cuban and Russian intelligence, a relationship they say is “ongoing.”

With this short briefing is a stack of files, communications intercepts, surveillance reports, statements by undercover informants, one of which, an FBI agent, I spoke with for two hours.
When no US Attorney agreed to prosecute, the files and this information were leaked, initially to ABC. They said they were prepared to do a “special” on this “as soon as the election was over.” That was 18 months ago they have had files and met with the agents involved, under full secrecy.
There is an African end of this story. A CIA agent named “Tony,” working South Africa, part of a team of agents there, all Mormons, contacted a professional associates of mine. (an intelligence agency director)
South Africa is my “turf” also.
“Tony” as he called himself was working with a US law firm and was tasked with investing $120 billion in drug profits, maybe from Afghanistan, in South Africa. He told our representatives he was looking for mining properties worth more than $200 million each.
“Tony” met, not just with us, but with dozens of other groups in South Africa. Tony is, what we call in the spy business, “burned.” Tony’s group works with UNITA, a terrorist organization, sometimes supported by North Korea, Israel, the US and China. The former Angolan revolutionary organization is now “for hire,” and “terrorism on demand” with a reach that covers a dozen nations.
Their task, as South African intelligence indicates, is to buy up South Africa and take over the rest of Southern Africa through running terrorist groups out of the DRC or Democratic Republic of the Congo. On their list is Kenya and other nations.Their method of operation is to finance themselves with blood diamonds, sent through agents to Tel Aviv, money to be handled by Bain Capital/Romney, then to China where arms are purchased and shipped to terrorists in Africa, “Al Qaeda, Boko Harum and UNITA.
The details of the deal were set up a month ago. Currently, UNITA is having difficulty coming up with their end, the $1.2 billion a year in diamonds they promised.
On the Israeli end, Romney, while traveling there with Las Vegas casino boss, Sheldon Adelson, met with diamond traders at what was supposed to be a/an (illegal) fundraiser.
It was something else, putting together one link in the diamonds, terrorism, money, narcotics trade which, working with Bain, the Bush family, Mormon groups in the CIA and the Mossad, meant to take over all of Africa.
The photo of Romney in Cuba is not as clear as it could be, a copy of a copy was sent. Other documents are in both English and Spanish, volumes.
The “Romney files” came out as a result of current operations through FBI contractors acting in Mexico.
Job Posting Seeks Former Soldiers to Provide Urban Warfare, Counterinsurgency Training
L-3 MPRI, a division of a major U.S. defense contractor, is hunting in the mercenary community to hire “site leads” who can help oversee the company’s personnel in Mexico and also coordinate “with Mexican Army officials” at a dozen training sites, called “VMTCs,” located in Mexico.
Those VMTCs, or Virtual Military Training Centers, provide “high quality training and simulation support,” and the site leads being sought will report directly to the L-3 MPRI’s project manager (or PM) in Mexico City, a job advertisement posted on a L-3 MPRI Web page states.
Critics of U.S. drug war policy have long maintained that the militarism it encourages is, in large part, profit-motivated, with the $1.5 billion Mérida Initiative being held out as evidence of the mercenary nature of the policy.
Under the initiative, the U.S. has agreed to provide the Mexican government with sophisticated military equipment and training to help advance its “fight” against “organized crime and associated violence,” according to the U.S. State Department.
Although it is not clear, at this point, who is funding L-3 MPRI’s training centers in Mexico — whether they are being supported by Mérida money or the Mexican government, or via some other program — what is clear is that the help-wanted advertisement represents important evidence that U.S. private-sector companies have mercenary operations inside Mexico that appear to be providing high-level training to the Mexican military in support, at least in part, of that nation’s prosecution of the drug war.
Some 35,000 Mexicans have been murdered since President Felipe Calderón took office in late 2006 and launched his so-called war on the “drug cartels.”
Good News for Romney
What is particularly good news for the Romney camp is that this information has been in the hands of GOP officials, major news agencies, several US Attorney’s and the intelligence agencies of over a dozen countries for just under two years.
Most top GOP donors were sent copies. None, when questioned as to why they still donated money seemed to care. One from Montana was quoted as saying, “As long as he is a Republican, we don’t care if he is a drug dealer or damned ‘Ruskie’ spy.”
Documents contain names of undercover agents, witnesses, those who put their lives at risk to keep drugs out of the US. Redaction is going on and we will publish what we can.
NAFTA makes much more sense to me now, why the border has been kept open through several presidencies, how we lost much of the nation and our government to drug cash.
Similarly, our policies in Africa now make sense, the terrorism spreading across the continent, and even Webster Tarpley’s statements about the Mormon Mafia that runs the CIA and FBI.
Our associates in South Africa said that those financing terrorism with blood diamonds, those buying everything in sight, are all Mormon, with support of the Heritage Foundation and key Washington law firms.
We have all the names. What we have stumbled on is a systematic effort to destabilize all of Africa and return it to colonialism. It is good to see America doing their part, along with China, Israel and North Korea. Let’s not forget the Saudis also.
This is the second consecutive GOP candidate with a dossier that accuses them of working for Russia. What are they trying to tell us?Editing: Jim W. Dean