New DNA Evidence Identifies Bigfoot Species!
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Still frame of the Patterson - Gimlin film taken in 1967 Near Bluff Creek, California |
In a blockbuster development for Bigfoot buffs, or 'squatchers', a term given to those who participate in the search for the legendary Sasquatch, new DNA evidence has been analysed and the test results, to be publicly announced in coming weeks, will once and for all end any speculation or doubt that the mysterious ape-like mammal exists only in the wild imaginations of a few frightened campers.
Although all parties involved in the discovery of the DNA and its analyses have signed agreements prohibiting them from discussing the matter publicly until a suitable, and most likely profitable, announcement of the historical findings can be produced, news of the discovery was leaked during Wednesday nights broadcast of 'The Conan Show' (TBS). James 'Bobo' Fay, a member of the Bigfoot Research Organization and cast member of the hit Animal Channel series ' Finding Bigfoot' (Sundays 9PM ET/ PT), could not keep the secret any longer and revealed the historical development. ('Bobo' did not sign the confidentiality agreement.)
Although hair samples discovered throughout the past 20 years have already pointed to an unknown primate existing in North America, the new find is the first sample large enough to have enabled scientists to map the entire genome sequence of the mammal so intelligent, the entire species has been able to successfully elude man for thousands of years. The DNA sample concludes a primate, never before identified, roams the forests and wetlands of North America.
It saddens this writer to report the means in which this DNA sample was obtained, as a hunter fired at least two rounds at a parent Sasquatch and a youngling, reportedly striking both with a caliber bullet large enough to remove a sizable piece of hair and tissue from one of them. The two Sasquatches were able to flee the area, and no further sightings of either Bigfoot have been reported.
Many states have laws protecting the Sasquatch species from hunters, though it is unclear at this time in what jurisdiction this incident took place.
The new evidence has both Creationists as well as Evolutionists sitting on the edge of their seats, both camps believing the Bigfoot species may hold key evidence to either prove or disprove man was created, therefore not evolving from an ape-like species.
The famous Patterson-Gimlin film of a female Sasquatch affectionately named 'Patty'.
This is the University that is conducting the DNA analysis of the Bigfoot samples. I have copied and pasted the project introduction from their webpage. They intend to release their analysis in publication form via scientific journals for the world to see. Apparently the word got out and it is true that this species exists. I wonder how this will change the world view of science and religion. Also don't forget the Dr. Greer, Sirius, project in which they plan to reveal DNA evidence of an extraterrestrial race. We wait and see in the coming weeks. Very Cool! ~e
As part of a larger enquiry into the genetic relationship between our own species Homo sapiens and other hominids, we invite submissions of organic material from formally undescribed species, or “cryptids”, for the purpose of their species identification by genetic means.Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project
The project is divided into three phases.
DNA ANALYSIS PHASE September – November 2012
PUBLICATION PHASE November – December 2012
Sample submissions are invited from institutions and individuals. In the first instance, please send details of the material you would like to submit to one of the Principal Investigators. These should include:
· Your name, institutional affiliation (if any), postal and email addresses and other contact details.
· A physical description of the specimen: (Hair, tooth etc). Photographs welcome.
· Its provenance: A short account of the origin of the sample, when and where (with coordinates if known) it was collected and how it came to be in your possession.
· Identification: Your opinion of its likely species identification, and your reasons.
· Authority: A statement that you are entitled to send the specimen for analysis and that we have permission to publish the results.
In order to avoid misidentification of samples due to contamination, our preferred material is hair, although tissues will be considered.
After reviewing your submission, we will send you a sampling kit with instructions. Please do not send any materials without first hearing from us. They will not be analysed nor returned.
You may choose whether to be identified as the donor of the sample, or to remain anonymous.
At the end of the submission phase, the most promising samples will be selected for DNA analysis. You will not be charged for the analysis. Unselected samples will be returned.
The process of DNA analysis is destructive. Any unused material from selected samples will be returned or, if you prefer, will be submitted for curation as part of the Bernard Heuvelmans Cryptozoology archive in Lausanne.
Results from DNA analysis will be prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal. No results will be released until any embargoes on publication have passed.
Prof. Bryan Sykes
Professor of Human Genetics
Wolfson College
University of Oxford
Oxford OX2 6UD
United Kingdom
Dr. Michel Sartori
Musee de Zoologie
Palais de Rumine
Place de Riponne 6
CH-1014 Lausanne
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