
Friday, November 16, 2012

Currencies Reset Intel

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Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 18:47:52 -0500

kaycee] terryk there is 73 Trillion dollars that's about to be released
[kaycee] the person who's about to release this was put there
[kktwahoo] Has a lot to do with manveuring going on now
[kktwahoo] My spin on it
[kktwahoo] Staring to have complaints from members of National Alliance
[kaycee] 73 Trillion dollars is going to be released into a coffer that will support the world
[kaycee] will allow the flexibilty for these particular banks to pay out when the rv occurs
[kaycee] as they don't have the funds currently
[kktwahoo] $73 T to be injected into system soon to make whole monetary system work
[kaycee] the 73 Trillion to make the economy healthy again
[kktwahoo] Supposed to happen very soon
[kktwahoo] Was supposed to happen last week and earlier this week
[kaycee] was very close; supposed to happen last week, was stalled; then again this week and was stalled;
[kaycee] is now very very close
[kaycee] was supposed to happen 37 times
[kktwahoo] Two weeks ago - stopped some things happening at CBI
[kaycee] Some people trying to prevent this rv from happening
[kktwahoo] They know it will reboot the system

[kaycee] There's a lot of mischevious things going on
[kaycee] Historian - it's about who will lose enormous power when this switches over
[kaycee] if you think about other groups that try to control, they can use extreme measures to try to prevent threats to their organization
[kaycee] We will hear a lot of things, and a lot of things will be explained
[kaycee] A large number of people are going to go into a grief system
[kaycee] things they thought were good will turn out to not be
[kaycee] Mac - terryk if you tell Historian at the count of 3, the rest of us will promise not to listen
[kaycee] Historian and Terryk, they are resolving to physical destruction
[kaycee] all of the things they have at their disposal, that would be at the bottom of their list
[kaycee] Historian - that is nothing; like throwing a rock through a window
[kaycee] terryk the interest we pay in one day funds their army
[kaycee] what they plan on happening is global reset
[kaycee] they don't have a hold on us
[kaycee] they signed on to this
[kaycee] Mac - my question to you historian in this global reset of debt, also personal debt?
[kaycee] Historian depends; model of how a debt exists is also in some cases tied to a false represenation; in other words, people aren't actually being lent anything by the parties making the loans
[kaycee] when countries are lent money, they aren't actually lent money; they are just given paper
[kaycee] and is wrote in a ledger saying they were given a billion dollars and will have to pay interest
[kaycee] A good one to study is the Bank of Canada
[kaycee] actually owned by their country
[kaycee] other countries don't own them
[kaycee] When they needed money, they just printed their currency; back by huge amounts of assets
[kaycee] when someone else prints currency with no assets to back it, they don't actually give anything of value
[kaycee] countries are saying they don't owe anything now
[kaycee] when a personal debt is tied to that kind of structure that doesn't work
[kktwahoo] All personal debt may or may not be forgiven
[kaycee] There is no basis for someone to claim that actual [kktwahoo] The Creature from Jekyll Island
[kktwahoo] Author Griffin
[kaycee] Not promoting the book, but promoting the book
[kktwahoo] Should read the book
[kaycee] read the book
[kaycee] Available on Amazon
[kktwahoo] Very good book to read
[kaycee] Historian - one of the reasons for the delay is the amount of vigilantes
[kktwahoo] They have a lot more to worry about that - when word of this gets out think of all the vigilantes
[kaycee] let's make a global reset - lots of people will not [kaycee] Mac - terryk what have you heard on the dong?
[kaycee] terryk was at .78 for a bit
[kaycee] trying to push it up to $3
[kaycee] running into problems with that because China is doing some bad things with their oil
[kaycee] only get a million barrels every day or two
[kktwahoo] Last I got - guy in VietNam - trying to get close to $3.00 range on dong - used to be $2.22 - now have discovered oil
[kaycee] Told that China did release an article last week that the dong would be one of the currencies they would release before the rv
[kktwahoo] WE have decided NOT to go down that path
[kaycee] the next day came back and said they decided not to go down that path
[kaycee] as they would not have any power six months after the rv
[kaycee] all has to do with this forgiveness of debt thing
[kktwahoo] Could not last more then 6 months without stability of IQD revaluing
[kktwahoo] okay, thanks
[kktwahoo] that is all I had