ALERT: Physical Silver Slant That Will Payout Much More Than Physical Silver
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1) They are easily recognizable and easy to liquidate.
2) They are too small and difficult to bother forging.
3) Because they are denominated as US coinage they fall under the much more strict counterfeiting laws.
4) The pre-1965 coins have a limited supply based on what has already been minted and released.
5) If the US Mint ever stops making US Silver Eagles, as Izzy Friedman believes, they will fetch a much higher premium than other coins.
6) They are much more portable than large bars.
7) Their value will never go below the price of the silver content.
Those are the big obvious reasons but there is one more that may be a HUGE WINDFALL for buyers of these coins...
They are NOT IOU's of the Federal Reserve!
This distinction may be hugely important in the very near future. I deal in the conspiracy world a lot and there is talk that the Federal Reserve will be deemed bankrupt at some point after the FED Audit that Ron Paul is pushing. Like all bankruptcies, the debt of the Federal Reserve will be measured against the assets and that is the true value of the entity. Weighing the debt of the FED vs the true value of the toxic assets now on the Feds books and you can see just how the bankruptcy of the Fed may come about.
Here's a good article from Forbes on some of the dirty deeds done by the Fed...
Is The Federal Reserve Using Money-Laundering Techniques To Cleanse Banks' Balance Sheets?
"Immediately after the 2008 financial meltdown, the Fed laundered more than $2 trillion in worthless assets held on the balance sheets of private banks. According to a watered-down 2011 audit of the Fed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), there have been $16 trillion in Fed bailouts to banks and corporations around the world since the financial meltdown in 2008. Since that report, Bloomberg has reported on an additional $9 trillion in secret, off-balance-sheet Fed transactions that the central bank refuses to discuss. Now, Ben Bernanke is ginning up assembly-line washing machines at the Fed with QE-to-infinity to spin an opened-ended, $40-billion-monthly cleansing campaign to purchase worthless mortgage backed securities from banks at face value, which could run to an additional $1.3 trillion loan laundering accompanied by downscale resales."
It is not hard to see how the Fed can be taken down and I believe that the Federal Reserve Notes will become worthless.
But US coinage is NOT an IOU from the Federal Reserve and may be immune from the problems with the destruction of the Fed. If this is to be the case then the coins will represent a partial claim to the wealth of our nation...
Refresh yourself with some of the "Golden Secrets" of the United States:
If it is true that the US has vast hoards of gold that will be converted into money after the unbacked fiat money fails there will need to be some sort of "revaluation" of the money that remained AFTER THE CRASH. If those obligations of the US Treasury are the last monetary instruments standing then there is an argument that the US Mint coinage will have substantially more purchasing power than most other monetary obligations.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir