
Friday, November 9, 2012

Bix Weir - Friday Road Trip - November 9th, 2012

Friday Road Trip 11/9/12
Bix Weir

If "They" Can Rig and Control Markets...Why Does the Stock Market Go Down?
In early 2009 I posted 2 articles that were totally and completely contrary to my normal doom and gloom analysis...they predicted the markets would rise from the ashes! I saw the market rigging apparatus and computer rigging players deciding to prolong the game. I hit the bottom of the last 2008/09 stock market crash almost to the exact day! These articles are still posted at
March 12, 2009

Operation Confidence Con
The Geithner Plan = Sustained market Manipulation

But now that plan has run it's course. All the things I watch are saying the game is over by the end of the year and the GLOBAL MELTDOWN will be allowed to happen. Not only allowed but FORCED to happen.

That is why the stock market is going down even though we all know they can make it rise just as easily with a simple computer entry.

This is the end game in motion.

DTCC Flood Reasoning Becoming Clear...IT'S ALL ABOUT SILVER!
The "story" at the still flooded out DTCC is becoming more obvious by the day and the interview I gave a few days ago explains it all. Here's what I said on Monday and the interview...

Do you remember how long it took you to realize that something was not right about the "Official Story" surrounding 911? Don't you wish you were clued into the conspiracy as the events were taking place so you could see all the moves of the bad guys in real time?

As I reported yesterday, something stinks to high heaven at the DTCC as documentation damage has been officially announced yet the bottom floors are still flooded…HOW DO THEY KNOW THERE IS DAMAGE?! Hell, my safe at home is waterproof and fire proof and they are trying to tell me that there was a failure at the DTCC vault? What -- did they send divers down to OPEN THE VAULT to check and see if there is damage?...Ooops!

It is a rarity when we can watch the Bad Guys in "real time" perpetrating a false flag operation with fraud cover-up and the use of a crisis to forward an agenda. What is happening at the DTCC in New York right now has given the Banksters an opportunity to "wash away their sins" and it's part of a much larger Banking Cabal cover-up.

Here's my latest interview on the subject with Sean at SGT and Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin:

Yes, it's a huge cover-up. No doubt about it. The most important documents related to almost every financial transaction in the world INCLUDING the derivatives have been destroyed...that is - if they were even ever there in the first place!

Here's the latest from Bloomberg:

DTCC Operations Ran During Sandy, Vault Status Still Unclear

"The company switched day-to-day command of its operations to its office in Tampa, Florida, and moved control of the technology that runs its clearing and settlement business and record-keeping to its Dallas data center the weekend before the Atlantic's largest-ever tropical storm, Michael Bodson, president and chief executive officer of New York-based DTCC, said in a telephone interview. The average value of transactions processed weekly this year is $23.1 trillion, DTCC said. "
"While the certificates may be damaged if water flowed into the vault, they're already recorded electronically in DTCC's systems, the CEO said. Once the company can assess the status of the certificates, it will figure out what to do about replacing them, he said. DTCC also has images of all bearer stocks and bonds in the vault, he said."

"Water in the underground level that includes the vault should be fully pumped out today, Bodson said. Assessments of whether there are contaminants in the building and whether it's safe for personnel to return can then begin, along with a study of how to open the vault since no one knows if water lies behind the two-ton door, he said. The vault, built on bedrock, has 18- inch walls of reinforced concrete and has never before been submerged, he said."

...and finally the motive can be told...

"This may be a golden opportunity for DTCC to move to a paperless setup for as many securities as possible," he said. "Hurricane Sandy may have handed them a fait accompli."


It is possible that they may report "no damage" because the reality is that those mega safes are airtight and water tight and any expert can call their bluff. Here's a picture of the old Pacific Coast Stock Exchange safe door.

Not a chance in the world that the DTCC safe didn't hold out the water. The ONLY thing that safe was designed for was to keep paper documentation safe! A nuclear blast wouldn't have hurt those docs.

Nobody knows what kind of shenannigans are going on in that vault at the moment but you can bet that it's NOT good for truth and justice and it IS GOOD for the criminal banking cabal.
So what was it? What are they trying to hide or hinder by claiming the vault is flooded?
Or a better question...

YEP. As with everything in my world it all revolves around SILVER and here's ANOTHER rather CONVENIENT COINCIDENCE that was reported in September 2012...

New York, September 20, 2012-- The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) announced today that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has provisionally approved an application by DTCC Data Repository (U.S.) LLC (DDR) to create and operate a multi-asset class swap data repository (SDR) in the U.S.

A little over a month after the DTCC is chosen as the SWAP DATA REPOSITORY those records may have been destroyed (or altered under cover of water!). This whole thing makes me feel very ill. Just read the October DTCC newsletter...

WOW...Swaps reporting, the DTCC flood, silver manipulation, CFTC position limit delays due to the definition of SWAPS. What could possibly happen next?

Wouldn't it be fitting if one of our favorite CFTC Bad Guys turns up running this latest con...
Holy Shit!...Look who it is!

"We are pleased with the CFTC's approval of DDR as a swap data repository," said Michael V. Dunn, Chairman of DDR. "We will be fully ready to operate on October 12, the first day of required reporting. This is an important step forward in implementing the Dodd-Frank Act and helping to bring greater transparency to the OTC derivatives market. It will allow the financial service industry to partner with regulators to more effectively monitor and mitigate potential systemic risk."
It's the KING of the CFTC Commissioner dunces Micheal Dunn!!!!

I used the search function on the website and here's some of my commentary on this idiot...

Emails On the Crash, Silver and CFTC
"WHY BOTHER?" - Are CFTC Efforts a Colossal Waste?
COMEX Firefights and an Exiting Obstacle at the CFTC

Love these lines:

"Now the REALLY good news that's circulating is the departure of CFTC Commissioner Michael Dunn at the end of May. I'm not saying Dunn is in bed with the Bad Guys but I'm not so sure he'd even know what that means. He is by far the weak intellectual link on the Commission and being an appointee of Bush you can bet he is told when to stand up, sit down and roll over."
Here's another...

Friday Road Trip 5/20/2011
And ultimately it comes down to this statement from Dunn

"To date, CFTC staff has been unable to find any reliable economic analysis to support either the contention that excessive speculation is affecting the markets we regulate or that position limits will prevent excessive speculation," Dunn said in a statement at a Jan. 13 CFTC meeting where he voted to propose the curbs to gather more information about the market.

So basically, a Bad Guy henchman is kicked off the CFTC Commission for being an idiot who regurgitates what his bankster bosses tell him and then they place him as one of the heads of the most important organizations in the financial world...

Former CFTC Acting Chairman and Commissioner Michael V. Dunn Appointed Chairman of DTCC's U.S. Swap Data Repository (SDR)
Six months later all the records are destroys wiping clean the sins of his masters.
Well played.

Latest Interview and Comments
Ok, now I'm all riled up. Time to chill!
Here's my latest telephone interview. It was fun to talk with Justin of Silver Vigilante as he has not been in this game as long as I have but has learned a lot and is still learning.

Keep an eye on his site as he discovers more!

Chilton..."We Are Ready"

One of the on going controversies in the silver market is whether or not the CFTC will stop the manipulation of silver and FINALLY bring charges against JMorgan and friends. My take has always been that they WILL ultimately pull the trigger and end the manipulation BUT they don't want to be the ones that cause the chaos. The banksters must implode upon themselves and the CFTC will be there to point the finger and unleash the guillotine.

Bart Chilton is spearheading this process and his latest statement hints at the END being NEAR...

"Red Zone" Statement of Commissioner Bart Chilton on Dodd-Frank Implementation Progress
November 8, 2012,

It's football season and there's a saying in the sport that a team getting close to the goal line is in the "red zone." CFTC's Dodd-Frank implementation and rulemaking processes are in the red zone, too.
It's been a long drive down the field. We have finalized roughly two-thirds of the 60 rules we were charged with promulgating under the financial reform law. It's taken longer than some of us hoped at the kickoff, but now the goal line is in sight.

I've put together an estimated time-line that clearly shows--on just one page--how close we are to completing the process. Many more rules will be finished by the end of the year. A few will move over into next year, primarily so that businesses, market participants and foreign regulators can make the practical adjustments they'll need to make.

Yes, we still need to keep moving the ball but, we're at a very manageable point in the process of completing this enormous undertaking. During the course of a football game there is always a lot of yelling and yelping both from the sidelines, and on the field. That happens in government too, and Dodd-Frank implementation is no exception. That said, what follows shows that, despite what some have argued, we have a game plan. Like in sports, game plans don't always go as planned, but you go forward and do the best you can to be successful.

CFTC Dodd-Frank Update

Commissioner Bart Chilton

Those of you still thinking that Chilton and the CFTC will NEVER pull the trigger need to think long and hard about WHY the silver investigation hasn't been dropped already like the first 2 investigation were. And what about that FT article saying the Silver investigation was about to be dropped? What ever happened there?

As you can see there is a LOT more going on.

It's only a matter of timing.

That's all I have for now. Those of you listening to the Drake interviews I'm still on board with 95% of what he says although I think he's a bit too optimistic that a reboot of our system along the lines of the NESARA act would work. Nevertheless he is hearing that the grand take down is right around the corner so buckle up!

Here's where you can find his bi-weekly interviews:
May the Road you choose be the Right Road!


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