Ben Fulford had this to say to one the members of his blog in private mail:
"I don’t feel it is fair to Ben to make all those negative comments on this week’s update so I wrote Ben and gave him examples of some of the comment postings. He actually answered me and asked me to post what he said so here it is:
The fact of the matter is that things are in a state of limbo and there was not much to report because there is a huge embargo on information. Something big is about to happen but right now everything is on hold.
The “preaching” was aimed at stimulating debate. My aim is to make sure the West gets back up and gets its act together so that it can save the world and take the lead again from a morally superior position. That means removing all the rot from the system.
Also, let me make it clear I am not opposed to same sex unions, I was just pointing out that it seems hypocritical to promote them while at the same time keeping polygamy criminalized.
There will news again in the next report.
Also, thank you all for your support which makes it possible for me to keep up the reporting activities that allow me to get original information from difficult to contact sources.
Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558
Comment by patricem on November 21, 2012 @ 1:53 pm"