
Friday, November 9, 2012

Alex Collier To Appear on Wolf Spirit Radio - November 11, 2012

Major excitement happening over the return of Alex Collier coming this Sunday on Wolf Spirit Radio. Just in case you don't know, Alex is a contactee of the Andromedans which I think is the same group that Tolec is corresponding with. Their should be some major updates from Alex in regards to the upcoming events.  This is probably a show not to miss. 

Alex Collier will be participating in a two hour LIVE interview on Ever Beyond with Jay Perron on Wolf Spirit Radio this Sunday 11th November 2012 at 11pm to 1am GMT (3pm EST) 


Alex Collier - The Reappearance

Sunday 11th November 2012 The Reappearance of Alex Collier

I am especially honoured to be speaking with Alex Collier, one of the earliest ET Contactees to be exposed to the alternative media. His path has taken him through some rather rough waters, and he has been reluctant to return to the public eye. After many years of Soul-Searching, Alex has decided to come back to speak publicly again, but this time in the context of a Science Fiction author. Many of the films we see these days are revealing things about the true nature of the world around us, including the deception and abuse that goes on behind the scenes. Recent Scandals in the UK and USA also show these to be very thin veneers that are finally starting to crack. There are also technologies that exist in the real world which have been dumped into the "Science-Fantasy" world, like Anti-Gravity, and teleportation technologies. These realities have been discussed in some detail on other Ever Beyond shows.

Our conversation will sail the shallow shorelines of the oceans of knowledge that Alex carries with him. The teachings he derived from the Andromedans, Thissaus and Morenay could span many many days or even months of interview, and perhaps many of the listeners to the show and its archives will receive telepathic impressions that will open up the space for them to make their own enquiries. Create new "Domains of Knowing", as he calls them.

Please Join us on Sunday 11th November 2012 at 3pm Pacific Time, 11pm UK time for the Reappearance of Alex Collier.