Homeland Security Fusion Centers – Just Another Budget Scam… by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor
“When you see this program killed and its entire budget dedicated to fighting Israeli espionage throughout the country, you will know a coup has taken place in our government.” ….Jim W. Dean
Janet Napolitano

It would be fair to talk about the worldwide financial meltdown but, even then, some difficult questions might be asked, such as; “Who caused it?” Nobody wants those answers.
Thus, the drowning man, going down for the last time, points a finger and laughs at the man on shore who is running short of drinking water and feels smug. His enemy is finally feeling “sanctions” even though the “drowning man” may never live long enough to enjoy the moment of empty triumph.
No one wants to talk about how the War on Terror turned out to be a terror campaign on America. The old America was blown up by the Bush NeoCons, freedoms gone, constant surveillance, a generation of wealth stolen with help of our own Congress, the Money Mullahs.
One page of this history will be the recent scathing Senate report on the billions wasted by Department of Homeland Security on make believe counter terrorism programs. It got its one day of publicity but all the reporting I have read about it so far has a huge missing item. The billions wasted on the Intel sharing Fusion Center program is just the tip of the iceberg.
The whole war on terror has ended up being a cash cow that has funded those who have turned out to be some of our most dangerous enemies. Banksters and gangsters teamed up with mortgage fraud crooks and Neo-Colonialism hustlers to terrorize America on a scale that no Jihadi ever dreamed possible.Bush lied to us when he said the Muslims hated us for our freedom and wanted to take that away. The proof? After 911 the State Department did a worldwide major survey of Muslim attitudes toward America. The results were startling, with upwards to 90% liking the American people and most wanting to move here if they could. The majority of their negative comments all focused around the American ‘government’ policies in the Mid East.
Bush was of course aware of this study. But he went ahead and shamed our country by lying through his teeth about the Muslims all wanting to come after us. Why did he do it? He knew the report was on record that totally refuted what he was saying.

Bush was not going to let anything get in his way of exploiting 911 to play the big man and go after Saddam. The NeoCon crowd had been harping for years about pre-emptive strikes, eliminating ‘potential’ enemies.
Israeli Intelligence was all on board and the Lobby made sure their Congressional lackeys followed suit.
Donald Rumsfeld is on record for stating that because we had spent all this money on the American military it should be used for something, I guess like starting some wars.
He anointed himself the ‘war on the cheap’ architect, the modern warrior. Victory would not take long, the cost predictable. We could put in another puppet government to deal with the locals. The expat Iraqis were rejected out of hand.
Almost everything the Bush Neocons told us was a lie…the estimates that we could recover the war cost with just a few years of Iraqi oil revenues, that there would be no real resistance because we would build Disney land parks, MacDonalds, and bring Madonna in for free concerts so everyone would love America.
The NeoCon crowd was clueless and delusional about what was facing them. Anybody in the Pentagon who put legitimate warnings on the table was purged. General Eric Shinseki was the first of many. Terror started in the Pentagon. Open your mouth and you got kicked out, period. The officer corps got the message and the dual Israeli citizens there were taking names as always.
But there was something else they were not delusional about. The Bush Neocons were going to ride the war not only to the big pot of gold from the war economy, but also use the annual ‘defense’ appropriations, all borrowed money, to continually fund their own shadow intelligence and special ops capability via outsourcing to entities 100% under their control.
Shinseki told the truth his career got car bombed by Donald Rumsfeld
and the Army abandoned him as they usually do when political corruption
steps in.
So American service men and women would fight and die for oil pipelines and a War on Terror excuse that would put an Amway billionaire’s son-in-law in the private army business, funded by the American taxpayer, but available to moonlight on jobs only for the home team.
Veterans Today still has a reward out for a photo of the Taliban’s flying mules who are airlifting that $60 billion in heroin out of Afghanistan and into the criminal cabal coffers. The cabal makes a good part of that available to buy both political and prosecution protection from current and future national leaderships who want to say goodbye to campaign funding problems.
Our own Supreme Court left the foreign campaign funding back door wide open with their Citizens United case ruling. And our Intel sources tell us that international drug dealers were not only attending Romney’s fundraisers overseas, but even got to fly on the plane.
If you are thinking that I forgot about the wasted billions, I did not. The folks back home, the ‘right folks’, they had to get a little piece of the war pie, also. Funding poured into the new homeland security and it was looted and pilfered to the best of the insiders’ abilities.To most American politicians and constituents there is no such thing as wasted funding as long as they are getting it. Taking good care of state law enforcement is always a political priority. When the recession started kicking in with forced early retirements and layoffs even for government workers, taking care of those people buys you a lot of campaign support..
The DHS Fusion Center billions coordinating federal and state Intel were used as a piggy bank for law enforcement with the right connections. The report describes training for the report personnel was only five days (the bells went ringing on that).
There was no further testing or follow up after that. And the states would be put in control of how the money was spent (more bells).
In plain English that meant the Fusion funds would replace recession budget cuts in departments, fund patronage, and help buy commando toys.
For example even smaller cities wanted their expensive emergency mobile command centers, things they could never get their local taxpayers to fund.
Because they all knew there was no significant terrorism going on here there would be plenty of money to divert, and as the Senate report shows they certainly did. As for reports they just generated some garbage, some so bad they shocked the investigators. Six hundred reviewed for one year had nothing to do with terrorism. But it gets worse.
There was no federal oversight for the first five years folks. The grant process was so complicated that DHS could only estimate how much they spent on the fusion centers. This was not left out by accident. It was a designed graft fraud by people who already had a lot of experience in doing this. With no real terrorists to catch, the Barney Fife’s at the Fusion Centers started making up threats of terrorists hiding about every bush.
The corruption went so deep that we had reports of Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League and Morris Dee’s Southern Poverty Law Center infiltrating DHS to get some bad reports issued on selected targets. They need these to create some new bogeyman fundraising initiatives.
Both organizations are considered subversive by many high level Intel professionals for this and other activities. The ADL’s long history of creating bogus threat intel to get law enforcement to harass and smear their ideological opponents is documented back to the Hoover days.
The FBI director would never speak at an ADL convention because he knew they just wanted to use that to help their penetration of American law enforcement. This Hoover firewall remained in place until Ronald Reagan came in and order all FBI offices to formally liaison with local ADL snitches and smearmeisters in their own attack on America.
On the list along with the hyped up militia threat, were War on Terror vets returning to a county where traitors were stealing their tax money, putting their families in debt, and using them to fill in for the absent terrorists to keep their paychecks flowing. That is why I used the title above. These people are the real terrorists, and the worst ones.The FBI and DoJ do not escape some of the responsibility in all this. To generate some statistics for their ‘terrorist’ work they began their sting operations, most of them shocking in their transparent entrapment. When they snagged the border line black kids in North Miami they held a big press conference.
The stage was so full with those wanting to get camera face time I feared it might collapse. And when they began reading off all the names of the different agencies involved, it was so long I almost went to sleep. I knew right there that paychecks were being validated to keep the money flowing, the American dream for a certain kind of American who hides his true colors and loyalties.
The old school Intel community was embarrassed and ashamed by this circus act. The later ‘assassination’ sting on the Saudi ambassador was so shocking in it’s attempt to frame Iran that even mass media had to finally start pointing out the charade. We also noticed that these cases seemed to break into the news at politically important times.
After all their lies, all of their failures, their looting and selling the troops out for thirty pieces of silver, there is no loyalty to the command structure. Everyone in a position to be crooked is considered a potential threat and dealt with as such.
When Congress had the chance to turn the tide a bit with the new whistle blower legislation that Sibel Edmonds and her crew spent years pushing for, Congress shut it down, putting another nail in the public’s dwindling respect for them.
Fifty percent of West Pointers have been punching out after their five year commitment. I have interviewed some parents. Many saw it all for what it was, a mercenary imperial exercise of looting and graft that had absolutely nothing to do with protecting America, but quite the opposite. That was a bitter post college education to have to swallow.
We could have done a better job defending ourselves by building hospitals and schools throughout the Muslim world at a fraction of the War cost, and saved all of those lives and suffering.
So I close by asking our Muslim friends out there to remember this distinction. You have enemies here for sure. We can even give you their names. But they do not include most Americans, nor even the military returning from the combat theaters.
Who would want to be ruled over by American gangsters? We don’t here. Maybe we can work out some kind of deal to get rid our ours, the militant Israelis, the drug dealer cabal and the market bombers, so we could be free of them all. May God help to do so, as we really need the help.