Thursday, 25 October 2012 08:21

'When Robert Gibbs, former White House
Press Secretary and a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, was asked
why the administration killed the 16-year old son of suspected al-Qaeda
member and US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone strike last year, he
said it was the boy’s fault for having a father like Awlaki.
Awlaki’s 16-year old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, was also a US citizen and was killed in a separate drone strike in Yemen weeks after his father’s death. Abdulrahman had not been accused of being a member of al-Qaeda or of any act against the United States that could conceivably motivate a US strike.'
Read more: Top Obama Adviser: Awlaki’s 16-Year-Old Son Should Have Had a More Responsible Father If He Wanted Us Not to Kill Him